
Weirdly, even though I own eleven Jack Reacher novels, I can't refute any part of that summary. I know the character is a blatant Marty Stu invincible panty-moistening fantasy badass and the novels are really just pulp escapism, yet I eat them up with a goddamned spoon.

Weirdly, even though I own eleven Jack Reacher novels, I can't refute any part of that summary. I know the character is a blatant Marty Stu invincible panty-moistening fantasy badass and the novels are really just pulp escapism, yet I eat them up with a goddamned spoon.

"Sorkin Sorkin?"

"Sorkin Sorkin?"

The Walk and Tug.

The Walk and Tug.

"Dutch filmmaker Joris Ivens… played by Lars Ulrich"

"Dutch filmmaker Joris Ivens… played by Lars Ulrich"

I watched 'Glory' with my History class when I was about 14, and after the movie, our teacher handed us all a questionnaire to fill in. One of the questions was, "What was your favourite part of the film?" Just about everyone in class answered "That bit where the guy had his head blown off by a cannon", and our

While I approve of the sentiment, I think you're going to have to work harder to fit that onto a bumper sticker.

Is "because why not" the new "because of course it does"?

Yeah, thanks rioters.
The entire stock of independant progressive/technical metal label Basick Records' catalogue was in that warehouse. They're trying to figure out right now whether this means that Basick is going to have to shut up shop. Having profiled Basick's owner, Nathan Phillips, for OneMetal.com and worked

MTV… jerking horny teens off…
Although it spent most of 2011… horny… watching… tacos[']… sexual escapades and… child porn… MTV announced… [t]hank-you… to the nation's prisons.

Fine pedantry there, sir - I salute you.

"No man, that bus driver's clearly smiling. And there's a guy in a clown suit on the back seat. Let's wait for the next one."

A Bittersweet Life
How come I never see A Bittersweet Life mentioned as part of Kim Jee-woon's filmography? It's an excellent movie, and deserving of praise.

"Hone" is a word, as it happens - as a noun, it's a whetstone of fine, compact textures for sharpening razors and other cutting tools. As a verb, it means to make more acute or effective; to improve; to perfect.

"And then my mustache fell in my drink"
I think Heisler's sign-off line should end every anecdote from now on.

Kevin James in the UFC?
If he doesn't end up fighting Butterbean at some point, somebody's missed a trick.

I believe 'those damn triangle brackets' are actually known as 'chevrons'.