
It's John Woo. When I wrote that post, I was sure there was a scene in The Killer where are talking about football or something while holding guns to each other in the blind woman's apartment… but to be honest, I was drunk, and could have imagined it.

Takashi Miike?

Filming involving…
…a pair of professionally-opposed, yet morally-sympathetic protagonists teaming up against a greater enemy in slow-motion gun battles, replete with clumsy sports metaphors, improbably destructive firepower and doves. Lots of doves. Do not be alarmed.


He ain't got time to first.

Cave Commentor, if I were a woman, I'd let you club me over the head and drag me back to your cave anytime.

Hey, if the Avatar re-release helps exterminate the yiff-happy freaks, I'm all for it.

The great benefit of the general illegibility of extreme metal vocals is that you aren't put off by the general idiocy of the lyrics. And I say that as a dyed-in-the-wool metalhead.

Care to elaborate, Downtuned? Exactly what makes metal fans "suck total dickheads"? I'm particularly baffled, since I've never sucked anyone in my life, let alone a total dickhead.

Arsenio - I agree, they were just foolish kids back then. I was being slightly tongue-in-cheek/dismissive with that example. Their latest material is some great blackened punk 'n' roll, their first album is a cracking death metal record, and the stuff in between is some enjoyably raw, lo-fi black metal. I actually

King Bastard's got my number, alright.

There's no shame in bringing forth your inner Arnie. Everyone has one.

Bob Johnson - Darkthrone's 'En Vind Av Sorg' from the Panzerfaust album - standard E tuning. Mayhem's 'Freezing Moon' from De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas - standard E tuning. Emperor's 'Cosmic Keys To My Creations And Times' from In The Nightside Eclipse - standard E tuning.

dumbfounded dipshit - death metal's the sub-genre most associated with cookie monster vox - for reference, see Cannibal Corpse's 'Hammer Smashed Face', Suffocation's 'Infecting The Crypts', Morbid Angel's 'Where The Slime Live', et al.

Arsenio has a point. Black metal's the stuff that sounds like a sack full of spanners in a washing machine. Death metal's the downtuned misogynistic grunting of sexually frustrated adolescents.

Here's mine:

This thread needs an enema!

"If you press x, x, x, and y, y, y, and x, x, x, y, y, y again, you'll be sucked."

You'd think a professional television writer would spell-check his blogs. But still, it's a pretty comprehensive bitch-slap to Zito. Wonder if this will come to blows?

Muthafuckas throwin' chairs!