Temple Extra

What's up with Pam's moustache?

Great point. My wife and I have be re-watching the "classics" and we'll occasionally punch up the trailer and they pretty much tell the entire movie in 10 second bits that are chronologically strung together.


One of the greatest title fonts I've ever seen.
I'm moved by that typography.

BTW, as an guy who watched George Costanza pretend to be an architect those mocks were indeed terrible.

The Wacky Circumference.

Cake is the best band of all time.

That last post was a way homer.

I'll put Anna Friel on a prominent peg.

Come out to the coast, we'll get together, have a few laughs.

Just the fax ma'am.

Thank you sir. I will do just that.

Matthew Fox on JKL last night said there is some sort of religion that believes that you have to "remember" the people in your life before you can move on to the next plane.

Great call, Fireball. The Smothers Bros. works too.

Jack's box
To bring back a reference from earlier this season …. best prop of the year … we've gone from fire ax, to throwing knife, to atomic rods, to magic boob covering sheets, to intern's clothes, to box with fern and anger management book.

I thought about that too. I thought taking cues from the President was his way of keeping sane . Looks like sanity is out the window.

Logan = Expressive eye squint.

Great job by O'Quinn. Him making the staff was a great scene.

There is a Santa Rosa mountain range in Southern California that could be the site of the mental hospital.

On peace treaties …
Zack has washed his hands of the treaty: "(I don't really care about the logistics of this, just as I've given up grasping the specifics of this mighty "treaty" that will apparently end war everywhere, or something.)"