Temple Extra

That guy leaving his Hyundai running and then being upset when someone swiped it was the best part of the episode.

Zack couldn't be more right about the peace treaty.
It's worthless. A treaty doesn't equal peace. When the blank has it ever?!

I'm going to second the elimination of the annoying "I don't have time to read all the posts" bit. Make the cussing time!

If the Hulk conversation was the result of people being "testy" I heartily endorse teste.

The Joker theory works because it would bring in chaos theory to the tired good/evil theories being thrown about.



Re: Dark Tower

Second the recommendation on finishing the Dark Tower series. He gets wrapped up in his own mythology but in a good way.

You get to the end and the characters are forced to make a decision, a similar decision to the one facing Richard. Whom do I believe? Smokey or Jacob? (I can see the yin/yang thing of them being the same person but that still doesn't solve the who put him/them there and why?)

"has properties of a single, sinkable rock"

Best part of the episode was rent-a-cop trying to jump in the car with two seconds on the timer.

No CTU? No problem. Jack has already got the NSA on the job. Which begs the question, why the hell do we need a CTU if we've got the NSA?

Wasn't there a throwaway line in "Recon" that dismissed the chances of Smokey being God? "It has nothing to do about God." Or something like that.

Cruising in one right now.

Ford lies to both men
Kate escapes Fake Claire's mad rush
Wife missed Jack's sweet abs

U-571. Underrated sub movie.

Dammit! By the time I logged in Apopheniac had posted what I was going to post.

Yeah. Maybe. Or you could actually look something up before posting.

The book is amazing.