Temple Extra

That was one of the coolest games of all time. And that scene in the movie was fantastic. Love the sound effects work and the music.

Damn! I was too late with my spec script.

Esme' Bianco. Woo.


Looks like I'm just the man …
… to take this firstie.

Head like a fucking orange!
Tip o' the cap to the directors/producers of the Peru episode. That was great television with a fantastic structure.

On analysis
Since ya asked …


Green Day was my sister's band and Offspring, at the time, was confined to a loop of "Ya gotta keep em separated" on KROQ.

I'm the guy who "discovered" Live back in the day when I saw their first video on MTV.

That was fantastic. I love the topper too "Just to clarify…" Pitch perfect.

Which blonde are we talking about? Is it the one who leaned into the camera during her washing?

There's already a huge cache of seeds saved for the post end days. And we're all toast in 2027 when the asteroid hits. Party like it's 2026!

Ape! Always love a good West Coast Avengers reference. Speaking of which … last time Blubberella was mentioned, there was a great Great Lakes Avengers discussion.

Broseph Stalin is me. I am Broseph Stalin.

Please record my vote for "Dead Calm."

Yeah, even with a bounding Russell Brand, I'm looking forward to the "The Tempest."

Can we retire "I call bullshit"? Do we have the clout? Cause I would love to retire the hell out of that phrase.

Agreed. I usually fast forward the musical bits but I watched both of his peformances. Good to see SNL broke away from the set. Hopefully, the bar has been set and future musical acts will step up their game.

Zooey can watch.