From that picture it looks like the song should be called "All You Can Eat, You Say?" jk
From that picture it looks like the song should be called "All You Can Eat, You Say?" jk
To me the biggest problem with SNL Weekend Update (or SNL in general) for political humor is that the humor almost never has anything to do with politics. In sketches it's always more a character thing than a political thing… like Spicer is a rage-o-holic, Trump is stupid and vain, blah blah blah. They almost never…
Thursdays on NBC…
Escape is my all time favorite. Conquest is 2nd. Escape is not only a great link in the series but it was maybe the first movie I ever saw that was really a commentary on the media and celebrity in general. It was like the proto-Network.
The band wouldn't be as annoying to me if that bass player didn't make those bizarre faces all the time. "There are a lot of people posturing and they just refuse to do that." Ok.
Get Out is a crazy entertaining movie. I love how it plays with your expectations. So much dark humor too. The social commentary to me is secondary or even tertiary to the movies enjoyment to me. I found all the performances to be excellent too. Some jump scares and psychological horror… but mostly just really…
I just hope the writers give him something better to do. It was a funny impression at first but many of the sketches are so empty. Like they think it's funny enough to have the impression that they don't know how to work with it beyond the surface (which of course is always SNL's problem). Like Melissa McCarthy's…
Nio. This was a bad joke.
haha. Yeah.
No it isn't understanding the nuances of science. It's feeling comfortable making the right decision.
I mean if Bill Cosby puts on a lab coat and tells you to bend over are you going to listen just because he has a PhD? I hope not.
Yeah but for whatever reason it's kind of human nature for some people to automatically do something you told them not to do or that their way of thinking is wrong.
It's better to me to listen and show people you care about them. Not that you think you are better than them.
There are all sorts of people in our…
Each person is different. Each situation is different. I would guess that most folks are operating out of fear and have trust issues. On an individual basis/situation a doctor or friends or whoever they can trust should consult them properly. Educating folks more broadly about the risks of not getting vaccinated…
Yes they do. I question your parent's decision to have children.
Right. Because there are some who will automatically trust what they are being told and there are some who will not. I have a history of people who were authority figures who were very very wrong. And so I am more predisposed to not believe authorities or commonly held beliefs automatically. So need more…
I'm not anti-vax. I'm pro-compassion and pro-vax. I just don't think the way to encourage people to get vaccines for their children is to tell them how stupid they are or to say 'do as your told or you are Rob Schneider.'
If people are concerned and aren't experts on the matter, they should consult their doctor if…
Then you should pop another Focusyn and move on.
Back in the early 2000s especially there was a lot of information out there talking about vaccines and autism. And yeah it was based on b.s. But how was a parent supposed to know that? It was a matter of trust. When my first kid needed the mmr shot I actually drove him 100 miles away to a doctor's…
I won't question you being stupider Mr Dr Scientist. My story is true though. They said she could die. Well she didn't. The fact Is doctors aren't always right. That's why they have malpractice. The fact is big pharma isn't always looking out for you. But go ahead and pop another anti-depressant and snark away.
I of course am a reasonable person and believe that vaccines are very important.
Trump loves climate change. You don't have a 'winter white house' if you don't like a little change in climate you know? Changes in latitudes changes in attitudes brah.
This was one of my favorite episodes of the season. Sometimes things can just be funny because of how ridiculous they are presented. The whole show is ridiculous! C'mon!
I worry about folks these days. Trying to pick battles over how young people are represented on a ridiculous and outlandish show like this one…