
Where Brixton at?

"We have 3 grandpas already!"
"This one's a great jazz musician."
"Oh, they ALL are…"

Sometimes I love this place. Sometimes I wish several of you would get raped by the most violent offenders at Rahway State Prison. This is one of the latter times.

Donna - I don't care for musicals. Sorry. Frankly, I've barely seen any musicals, because I have a thousand other pop culture interests that I have yet to explore, and my time on this planet is growing shorter, not longer. Tasha's words really hit home with me, and I have no problem applying them to musicals

@larry kleist - Actually, a few extra lbs. around the middle is absolutely metal. There are 2 acceptable metal looks - slightly pudgy and lumpy because of a complete disregard for proper eating and exercise, because proper eating and exercise are not metal; or wire-thin and strung-out looking, because heroin, liquor

If I hate on stuff anonymously on the Internet that other people love and are generally regarded as the apex of their genre, that will make me cool, right? Right? Right?

This conversation reminds me… when To Catch a Predator was all the rage, and they had that girl who was like 21 but looked 15, I was given a brilliant idea - escort services for pedophiles. Not pimping actual underage girls, but legal ladies of the night who happen to look underage. If we can get the ShamWow guy

They fucked up a Tiger Woods game? Seriously? I've been getting them since I think '03, not every year but a couple new ones, and they always seems more or less the same with a few tweaks. Some are better than others, but none were even close to bad. Now they fucked that up? This country really is going down a clogged

Miscast is right
Miami career gal? What, the part of Miami where the sun is eclipsed 10 months a year? RZ is paler than my admittedly pasty ass.

Sounds interesting
I'll have to check this out when it airs on IFC or something in the (hopefully) not too distant future. I remember reading about this from the TIFF recaps (or another one of the film fests, can't remember). Anyway, Cenac is really starting to grow on me on the Daily Show. It sounds interesting,

Hilarious as always, JVS.

Hilarious as always, JVS.

ZMF, stop making me feel old. I was watching WCW when your beloved Stone Cold was known as "Stunning" Steve Austin and came to the ring in sequined robes. Where do you think the "Stone Cold Stunner" comes from?

ZMF, stop making me feel old. I was watching WCW when your beloved Stone Cold was known as "Stunning" Steve Austin and came to the ring in sequined robes. Where do you think the "Stone Cold Stunner" comes from?

Not if you start showing more boob than Marisa Tomei.

Not if you start showing more boob than Marisa Tomei.

Disagree. This is most obviously a stunt to get "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair back into the wrestling game for his 18th comeback. Phipps made a rare blunder by not burying, but excising the lead. The Nature Boy is back!!!

Disagree. This is most obviously a stunt to get "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair back into the wrestling game for his 18th comeback. Phipps made a rare blunder by not burying, but excising the lead. The Nature Boy is back!!!

So you're saying it would be ICE to meet these bands?

You could break 5 million on the original Tony Hawk? No shit. I remember pulling 2 million + on the school (Miami), and I could get a million on the Warehouse and Chicago, but 5 million seemed beyond impossible. Out of the people I knew I claimed ownership in that game, but I couldn't get into the sequels. Once they