
2Pac arguably got better over his lifespan. Lots of indie rappers get better (MF DOOM, Masta Ace, and Murs all spring immediately to mind). Maybe RZA or GZA or Meth or ODB didn't improve over time, but Ghostface sure as fuck did. Lil' Wayne is undeniably better than his CMM days, like him or not.

Is that Black Sabbath comment a troll? Please fucking tell me it's a troll.

It's like you're in my head, dude…
You kind of describe the way I generally listen to music (and, to a lesser extent, watch TV and movies). I'm always late to the party. Recently, I finally picked up all the New Pornographers albums and am listening to them at once. I've known about them for a few years, read all the

People who use phrases like "worldly woes of a prepubescent boy" to describe metal vocals always have, and always will come across to me as nothing more than frothing, yeast-infected cunts. You don't need to be a prick to make your point, Nag.

I think baseball is ripe for the David Simon treatment. I basically look at the witch hunt for steroid users similar to street rips on the Wire, in that everyone is obsessed with getting the street-level guys (the players) without investigating any of the deeper-rooted problems, like the unions, the hypocrite Bud

I always thought Lobsters 1 was Glenn Beck, and he did have a show…

I gotta get organizized…

I loved the reference, as I am fairly sure that I used to masturbate to Malice when it was on HBO. Malice did feature Nicole Kidman getting pretty damn nasty, correct? Ah, cable in my room at age 13, the good old days…


C'mon Josh, you know Sandler's a musician…

Yeah, did you see that fucking viral video for fucking Newsies? Or that fucking meme that started before Empire of the Fucking Sun? Fucking distracting!!!

Speaking (somewhat) of superfluous "u"'s, I was recently reading an article from a British site that mention the U.S. Department of Labor, but spelled it "Labour." Since the official name is Department of Labor, no "u", shouldn't it have been spelled the Americanized way, since it's an American institution? Or were

Phel, that means you saw the poker game that Tony runs for the first time not all that long ago (that was Season 2 I think), you cheese fuck. I stick motherfucking provelone in my socks at night, so they smell like your sister's crotch in the morning.

Manny Pacquiao is referred to as Filipino about a hundred times during any of his fights, and I don't think Jim Lampley and company are very interested in pissing off Mr. Pacquiao.

Manny Pacquiao is referred to as Filipino about a hundred times during any of his fights, and I don't think Jim Lampley and company are very interested in pissing off Mr. Pacquiao.

@Riff - Actually, I may be mistaken but I believe hypenating "gramatically-correct Tracy" is correct. If the sentence were "I love when Tracy is gramatically correct." then yes, no hyphen needed. But I think since "gramatically-correct" modifies "Tracy" the hyphen is needed. I don't know enough grammar-nerd speak

@Riff - Actually, I may be mistaken but I believe hypenating "gramatically-correct Tracy" is correct. If the sentence were "I love when Tracy is gramatically correct." then yes, no hyphen needed. But I think since "gramatically-correct" modifies "Tracy" the hyphen is needed. I don't know enough grammar-nerd speak

While Batman Forever isn't great, it's way better than Batman & Robin, no? OK, that's not even faint praise, but I don't remember thinking Kilmer was terrible.

Snap bracelets?

I feel old for asking, but what's a PFlag activist?