Wittiness for the Prosecution

If his Herman Caine impression was racist, then his impressions of Italians have been racist; his impressions of New Jerseyans have been, um, statist (?); his impressions of construction workers have been jobbist; his impressions of Trump have been Trumpist; his impressions of white guys have been racist; his

Gosh, no! It's just a beautiful bit of symmetry :)

I love how your profile only has nine comments, about half of which are correcting people on small details about things.

The fact that these criticisms were made at every point in feminist history doesn't excuse us from considering them now, especially when they're increasingly coming from within the movement and seem to be dividing it.

I feel like there should be a rule that shows aren't allowed to have laugh tracks unless they earn them by being funny. ;/

Hulk Hogan too. But those were some bad plugs.

I don't know about some of this. Did you see some of the things said about Kaley Cuoco? Have you read Jezebel lately?

See, this is literally exaty what I'm talking about. I consider myself a second wave feminist. I get my views from my mother, who, along with the rest of her generation, fought for so many of the gains women enjoy today and are at risk from people who consider themselves "activists" when all they do is attack anyone

Perhaps she feels she doesn't need feminism because we're all objectified today, men and women alike. Nobody says we need MRAs (and, to be sure, we very much dont need them) when Jezebel posts its thrice-or-so-weekly article on how hot and how much thwy want to fuck Cumberbatch or the next flavor of the month,

So when does "Perturbing Sounds for Burn Wards" drop?

I swear I had an idea for a similar film like two years ago that I shopped around to all the major studios man.  They totally ripped me off.

Cock flopping?

Let's just say that if it's possible for a computer to be porn-choked, I'm pretty sure my laptop will soon die from auto-erotic asphyxiation.

Guy Incognito II: your mocking of mental illness is intriguing when one considers that you so clearly fit the DSM's description of "Extreme Douchebag Syndrome."

I am 100% ok with this scenario.

Thank you :)

Edit: On second thought, any idea for a Deb romance is a bad idea.

"I like that we're 6 episodes in and I'm still not sure who's the cat and who's the mouse."

"How soon is too soon to declare this the worst season of Dexter yet?"

I like how you call them "Kate-Leo," but may I suggest "Kateolardo"?  It makes me think of a kitten dressed as Leonardo from the Ninja Turtles.