Wittiness for the Prosecution

One enormous aspect of this discussion that's always left out, because the "solution" would be unpalatable (e.g. either forcing women to work jobs nobody wants, or paying people who don't experience the same hazards at the same rates anyway): men make up 98% of workplace deaths and 93% of workplace injuries because

You can say that, and if you believe it, you can either (a) show up and debate, and try to convince others that the person is a bigot, or (b) not show up, thus not having to listen to what you feel is bigoted speech.
What you shouldn't do is try to rob others of their freedom to listen to other points of view (a

Nope. The many examples of what's happening on college campuses is trying to create a safe space out of something that is supposed to be a place for the free exchange of ideas, and the censorship isn't even of people being blatantly insulting, but rather of people merely expressing unpopular political opinions at the

You are absolutely right! But the point both the episode and people here are making is that it would be worse if it hurt you and you felt you had the right to force society to place limits on what people can do in order to ensure that your feelings weren't ever hurt again.
You are more than free to tell people, "hey,

I don't know, I think a big part of it has to do with what demonstrates health. People, in general, tend to be attracted to mates who have a better chance of, well, living, and/or not having health issues as soon or frequently. When people couldn't eat much, being heavy demonstrated that you had enough to eat, and

What about other immutable characteristics? Is it ok to shame all white people? What about all men? I feel like people who say these things think shaming for immutable characteristics is horrible, until you find them posting #killallwhitemen (not you personally, but you can't deny that general occurrence).

Thanks, I appreciate you engaging in the discussion with your free time. One of the things I love about this place is how thoughtful and civil many of the posters can be while disagreeing. Very few people will call you terrible names or accuse you of awful ulterior motives.
Anyway, to respond: if you look at some of

Again, not what the poster to whom you responded said. At all. You've just continued to avoid the actual things that have been said by both of us.
Forget it. Clearly this is never going to be a discussion.

"It feels like the filmmakers wanted Julie Delpy for the role, but when she was unavailable, they figured they would settle for her stand-in, who was more in line with their budget anyway."
I think it went more like, *casting agent shows up to Delpy's house and rings her doorbell. The front door opens and a little

Moreover, the solutions presented by that commission in which Sarkeesian took part were basically, "curtail free speech on the internet." We've always known free speech and public forums have consequences, sometimes horrendous ones. However, almost all of us have always agreed that those consequences are worth it to

But you've moved the goalposts here. THe poster to whom you originally replied said nothing about saying anything to that actress' face, but merely that we shouldn't be promoting morbid obesity as somehow a wonderful condition to have. Just as we shouldn't promote smoking as cool. Do you disagree? That was the

But do you honestly think that there is any public figure out there who deals in politics (especially when you say incredibly provocative things and generalize negatively entire groups of people) who don't get told they suck as often or more than her? That's why what she said is so concerning to me. And I remember

It's reasonable to try. What's not reasonable is trying to force the society around you to do it for you, or to label jerks and people who disagree (thus making them "jerks" in many people's minds, as many people now see mere disagreement as being a jerk) as harassers.
I think this was the point with Butters going

I really don't think you need to be a medical professional to know that (1) Precious was morbidly obese; (2) morbid obesity is bad for your health (look up the statistics about how much healthcare costs skyrocket and both standard and length of life go down when people become obese); and (3) the idea that morbid

With Butters going nuts at the end, I think the other message was, "we can't just force certain people we don't care about nearly as much to pay the price of Nerfing the world for the rest of us, especially people who are so privileged they think these are the big issues of the day while children are actually starving

I thought reality and forcing Butters to deal with everyone else's problems until he went crazy was T+P's way of saying, "it sucks out there sometimes, the world won't always be your happy place, and you can't force a select group of people to curate it for you at whatever expense necessary just so you have to pay a

There is a difference between HARASSMENT and "harassment," and TROLLING versus "trolling."
There is a current effort that I think we can all see in the left blogosphere and far left political discourse to paint disagreement with certain politics and policies, as well as disagreeing with certain types of people, as

Because I don't think they're "potential prejudices." It seems he made jokes like that about everyone on Twitter. I didn't say HE was dealing with things with those jokes, but comics are nothing if not aware that humanity often deals with things via jokes.
Not everything needs to be intellectual or substantial to be

Yes, I did read them. Again, many people deal with things by joking about them, and are happy when comedians are allowed to as well. If people aren't going to call out everything that's offensive to large groups of people, and only call out things that are offensive to issues on their own side, then it's not really

But the thing is, a lot of us find simply "offensive" funny in and of itself, and I don't think there's anything wrong with that. By way of example: I have close ancestors who died in Holocaust death camps. I've survived sexual abuse. My dad almost died of cancer recently, and my grandmother actually died of cancer