Wittiness for the Prosecution

Honestly, saying the mourner's Kadish wasn't any tip-off to me; just seemed like he was being a respectful Jew for a man who died, regardless of who that man was.  The kiss Saul gave Hamid, as well as the fact that he started his discussions with him in Arabic, were not meant to be hints either.  It's interrogation

One thing I really appreciate about this show (there are many): no stupid cliffhangers.

Yeah, you're probably right about that.  Still, I would definitely think that was happening, at least at first…until I realized that I had read about this exact same technique before.  The government has been using it as a form of torture because, since there's no physical contact, they can claim it's not torture at

Oh another awesome moment: when Kerry puts up her hands like an attacking kitten and yells, "fuck you Saul"  while standing like one foot away from his face.

Just FYI, Saul was saying the prayer for the dead in Hebrew.

Hear Hear

By far the funniest Newswire I have ever read in my life.  I was reading it on my phone in front of friends.  It was pretty embarassing when I couldn't stop laughing long enough to even get out a word.  And it went of for like five minutes…

Come on you people. If the Onion continues to produce videos as great as "Sony's New Stupid Piece of Shit that Doesn't Fucking Work," I will pay out the ass for it.

Has anybody ever seen Neil Jordan's The Hit? One of my favorite films. What DanielKurlander suggested above is exactly like that film and would make for a great episode.

This would be awesome…
How awesome would it be if next episode took place entirely in Mike's car, a la last season's little two-man play with Jesse and Walt in the meth lab? We all knew long before the start of this season that giving Mike way more screen time was a great idea. I'm glad the writers realized it this

One of the best Newswire posts ever.
This line really sealed it for me: "So she's often left to wonder, can she ever be just a woman? WONDER WOMAN."

Avatar Avenger: I don't see Black Swan as a film with any relation to Polanski's Repulsion or the Tenant, beyond the fact that they both share the common trait of a story about someone who is going kind of nuts. The only reason why you might think Black Swan wasn't "upfront about the [cause] of [its] subject's

Joebronx —

Filming ahead involving the soul-crushing, existential crisis-inducing horror that is your human body ahead. Be alarmed. Be very, very alarmed. (David Cronenberg)

I should have added: the big twist is that the elevator is a predator, but a predator is not the elevator. I know that sounds like it doesn't make sense, but believe me, it doesn't.

I think M. Night will change it to "Predator 4: The Predavator" before release.

I personally would like to see Limp Bizkit reunite and release a cover album of the Mel.

Maybe it will be "the mind of M. Night Shyamalan," which hangs ominously over the heads of film lovers, an ever-present reminder that the threat of another Shyamalan movie lurks behind every corner of pop culture.

I wonder if this revelation of financial exigency will prompt some fundamentalist Christians to create a "Restore Mel Gibson" fund. Remember the video they made for Stephen Baldwin? Well, just imagine the possibilities for Mel Gibson.

I think it's pretty clear that the rise of the internet has made it immeasurably easier for people to find justifications for even the most paranoid and/or ludicrous and/or hateful beliefs and thoughts. All one needs to do is type something like "Obama Hitler" (or any other combination of words representing any other