Truth in Advertorials

This bothered me in the first round too. Hopefully they're planning longer write-ups of the future matches, because these have been pretty useless. If you haven't seen the show, they don't do a good job telling you what makes the episode great, and if you have, they don't go into any depth or analysis that wasn't

Next it's Rixty Minutes against Takiawase? That is just mean spirited.

I have a lot of love for Piper, but my ex telling me to "stop being the moon" would make me livid.

They were both subtitled for me too, except for a few words that they might have assumed are common enough knowledge. ("Tia," "mijo," stuff like that.)

Yeah, was not surprised by Boo. I mean, GENERALIZED SPOILERS, after this season I can't stand her at all.

Trying to bang someone isn't the same thing as devising a point system that literally evaluates women as numerical conquests.


Really? I love her being a big gay slut but that was some dark objectification.

Nicky and Big Boo's sex contest was the worst thing and made one of my favorite characters into a vile macho parody of herself. Thank God it's over.

Agreed, just as I was thinking "Come on, there has to be SOMEONE straight on this show" they totally got me.

Well, she knew she'd get in trouble — that's not the same as knowing something's morally wrong.

"You Also Have a Pizza" definitely has the best episode title, I chuckle every time I see it.

I would watch an entire show about Flaca.

Wasn't the Pornstache plan her idea? Because that was awful.

Definitely. Or even that the mother was being honest — the developmental difference between a 6 to a 10 year old is enormous, as we saw in the scene where Suzanne is the only one wearing a bra. It is weird to bring a pre-teen to a party for very young children. But I think it could be read as a bit of both — Suzanne's

I can't even imagine how terrifying it would be to see your incarcerated stalker sitting in your bathtub wearing your wedding veil.

Also, the running gag of vaginal amazement was fucking hilarious. Taystee's response was a series highlight: "Aww, it's cute!"

The balance they struck with Suzanne was incredible. You could see every aspect of the slow motion tragedy there. Her mother was so insistent that her ten year old black daughter be treated just like her six year old white daughter — that would be hard for a transracial adoptee with no other complications, but then

Miss Claudette and Tricia are still the saddest to me. Maybe because I've known so many Tricias.

I feel terrible for her because she is clearly so delusional she doesn't understand that what she did was wrong. But yeah, she committed much worse crimes than most of the other girls and is clearly highly dangerous and unhinged.