The child playing ten-year-old Suzanne was a terrific actress. It felt in every way like peering into Suzanne's childhood.
The child playing ten-year-old Suzanne was a terrific actress. It felt in every way like peering into Suzanne's childhood.
I don't care for Green Day, but "Just the fact that they say that word is disgusting" after using the word "f****t" (apparently we're not allowed to write it despite the fact that it's allowed in articles?) yourself four times in the previous question? That's some top shelf hypocrisy right there.
I don't care for Green Day, but "Just the fact that they say that word is disgusting" after using the word "faggot" yourself four times in the previous question? That's some top shelf hypocrisy right there.
I agree with you mostly — but I don't think there's a contradiction in testosterone. A lot of people buy it illegally, trans and cis men, and there's no way to know if he's had a phalloplasty, he could just have a packer (which can run around $30).
It was so foreshadowed I thought it might be a contrarian indication that he'd win.
I'm with you. First time a Game of Thrones death has really affected me. I even had a mini-flounce to a friend about how I was so done with the show (I lied, obviously). He was an injection of fun into a sometimes dour show.
With you on Saga and LA Noire, and I'd also put in Gone Home and (I'm actually almost scared to admit this) the recent Pokémon for video games.
Then you get away safe this time, Dave!
I enjoy Adventure Time but mostly don't find it funny. Charming and clever, but not laugh-out-loud funny. My favorite episodes have a strong melancholy current to them.
Ah, you are correct. I just grouped it together with all the other shows adults liked that really freaked me out.
Cole Porter is still the best songwriter Broadway's ever had, I will fight anyone who says different.
The real travesty is that there was no real villain number. That might be because Elsa was originally supposed to be a villain, but still. It's usually a highlight.
That was actually my favorite thing about Frozen. She goes from "Oh no, my whole life as I knew it is over" to "I guess I am an Ice Queen who lives in a mountain in a giant Ice Castle now" in like, five seconds flat.
I agree completely. The show seemed overly afraid of forward momentum recently. I'll admit to being frustrated by the fact that Don is back at — what is it now, Sterling-Draper? — and Megan really went out with a whimper, without amounting to much as a character, and all the show's piling on of portentous images for…
I hated them as a kid for that reason. Ren and Stimpy and Freakazoid, in particular, just looked gross to me.
Nearly everything on this list is in the "Good or even great, but I can understand why it wouldn't work for some people" area. (Mine is probably Sergio Leone westerns.) But Dollhouse was just not good. It is bizarre to see that someone feels bad for not liking it. It is Whedon's worst instincts, all quips and stilted…
Enchanted because Lecter's insights are enchanting; terrified because life is terrifying.
She did quite well in a bunch of the early challenges and her 'villainous' schtick has only been notable because the season's been so friendly. I don't particularly like her but I do think it's absurd how easily played fans are by the editing booth.
Yeah, there was really no cleverness or sense of proportion to what she said to DeLa. It was interesting though, it was the first time I've really seen Bianca act hurt on this show. Funny, she dishes out much more serious criticisms of other girls and she couldn't even handle a joke about how well she's doing.
Nearly any show with two good looking men in it will get this treatment. There's also been a lot of talk about Hannibal's deformed love for Will, which is like crack to shippers.