I really did think they might kiss in the opening dream sequence. That monologue was like the Tumblr equivalent of a Penthouse letter.
I really did think they might kiss in the opening dream sequence. That monologue was like the Tumblr equivalent of a Penthouse letter.
Is it an important distinction? Not really. Is it a good excuse to bag on dolphins? Absolutely. Fuck dolphins.
The dolphin-hater in me must point out that dolphins are the only non-human species that kills for fun. So, that's not the one that separates us from the animals, unfortunately (fortunately?).
It's true, but in this case he's already succeeded with Randall, while Will is still on the precipice of becoming his own kind of monster. I think Hannibal still finds him more interesting.
This season has been weirdly predictable. I don't know if it's just because the edit is too good, and they always telegraph who's succeeding and who's struggling fairly accurately, or just that Ru knew who she wanted for a top five and didn't budge.
I think dragging both members of a gay couple would've been cute and politically harmless. I think the legal issues that Sava mentioned would've been more pressing.
Agree about Darienne. She seems pretty happy with the delusion that she's just keeping it real. Although I do think everyone's occasionally fed producer questions, but she's the only one who gets a bitch edit for asking them.
Man, I felt bad for Joslyn. Not that I think it really impacted the challenge, but what an uncomfortable position to be put in, having to doll up a petrified, slightly homophobic man.
Damn. Well at least I won't be waiting all next episode for him to pop up.
Two — the trial and when she liasons with the orderly.
The way they cut back and forth between them and drew slightly closer to Hannibal on each shot — masterful tension-building. And damn, is it just me or did Dancy look particularly beautiful in that lighting.
The fact that no one mentioned Chilton was a bit bizarre, but I am so fucking grateful SOMEBODY apologized to Will and seemed to realize how horrific it was what he was put through.
That was AMAZING. I love Fuller's love of the essential pulpiness of Hannibal. So, so, so excited for the Vergers. Do people know if this counted as one of Michael Pitt's two episodes? Because that would be unfortunate.
She kicked Chastity out after she came out as a lesbian and said she felt guilty about making Chastity gay. [Kept all the gender/sexuality shit in the past terms for clarity.] I know they've since patched things up and I don't think Cher is currently homophobic. I could still understand why Chaz might feel that way…
Cher has been publicly awful enough to Chaz that I think this would hardly blip as a dick move. Other than maybe to Darrienne.
Well… that wouldn't really be a joke anymore, just a reference.
It really is just the brief use of words. I can't remember if it used to be different, but she rarely seems to even send a video clip or clue with the image — she just comes out and tells them what to do.
Not that it's much fresher, but I think the joke was more in regards to ANTM's "Tyra Mail."
House Bolton realness.
The worst was Darienne's interview. Maybe it was the edit, but she had some solid questions that they just shut down.