Truth in Advertorials

Yeah, I agree. I was definitely giving the show credit for the fact that the less-funny plotlines would tie together in some intricate and hilarious manner — David Cross certainly spoke about it like that, like these two seasons were planned out in depth and the early episodes would be informed and improved by the

I know Tennant is the heart throb, but I find Matt Smith so much more attractive.

You just know Michael C's model was booked for a whole face worth's of Botox before she left the stage.

Random thing that bothered me about this completely shit episode: So they finally remember Other Rudy at the single moment when it would have been so much more sad and poignant to leave him out? Seriously? It would have actually been a bit poignant if Rudy's "well I love a happy ending" line was reinforced with the

Alright, so when Rudy is outside and confesses to Simon and Alisha that he hates cheerleaders because he saw his mom getting fucked while dressed like one — didn't that seem exactly like the kind of thing that he would hide, and cause Other Rudy to pop up? And if you need all hands on deck fighting zombies, wouldn't

Yeah, Mr. Miggles and Shannon read more as vampires, but by the time they got to the cheerleaders they were more zombie-like — generally not doing more than lunging and biting.

I really try not to hate Michael C, but I can understand why people do. My explanation: The guy simply got way too far in season 8, and won a ton of praise he did not deserve. This wasn't his fault, the judges were awarding him the victories, and half the time he looked positively grief-stricken when they called his

I hope we finally get a single plus-sized queen that can represent.

I know Kenley's dress was just entirely Kenley, but I still thought it was good at capturing the color and looked like a pretty, salable garment that could have easily wound up in a Kenley collection. And to be fair, Michael C's dress was entirely Michael C — I swear we saw this same thing from him over and over again

One thing that I really liked about how this echoed S3E2 was that they essentially had Curtis confront a lot of small hurdles of womanhood in that episode but when it came time for the biggest one — actually having to decide whether to have a child or go get an abortion — he just ran away from it. (Which is a bit

I actually read through all of this although I am not exactly sure why. The way you think the characters should act is honestly pretty depressing and mean-spirited. Maybe Series 1 Episode 1 Misfits, but at this point they are all friends and something like "Alisha makes fun of Curtis until he cries after finding out

I think they are just a season off, because it was indeed Episode 6 of Series 2.

My white guilt was doing somersaults.

Strangest moment of a truly bizarre episode: Becky declaring that she wasn't interested in Mike Chang because she wasn't a "rice queen," as if, for a single line, the writers forgot that she wasn't a racist, middle-aged gay man.

Agreed. Also, in relation to how the author compared this show to Arrested Development, I think the conceptual difference between 'laughing-with' and 'laughing-at' is in full effect there. Trying to sell people on the rich as clever, interesting, and cool is a completely different ballgame from depicting them as

@avclub-a43012a332fc066e7ecf57a9b678fb51:disqus : Where do you see "extreme misogyny" in Forgetting Sarah Marshall? If you just didn't find it particularly funny, that's fine, I suppose — comedy is subjective. I thought it was funny. Jason Segel seems to get a lot of people pissed off, but in that movie I found him

Yes, agreed. It's a bit academic and staid, completely different from the show.

Well apparently it's just me then. I didn't know that they were going to give FLCL the TV Club Classics treatment, and I was really excited to see what they did with it, but I did not really enjoy this review at all. FLCL is the kind of show where a lot of the joy is making connections and drawing conclusions

I originally watched it dubbed, so I'm biased, but I think it's pretty excellent.

I don't think most working artists would call $100,000 "completely irrelevant."