Truth in Advertorials

Sara's show was probably the most disparate for me. The birdcage was incredible, and the actual notes that she collected were pretty amazing (and I did enjoy the weird plague doctor angel figure she came up with), but the hair bikini and nail web were very art school.

Of course ambition and individuality factor into any sort of quality ranking system. I guess that goes back to the kind of inherent A.V. Club question: What are you looking to get out of television? The idea that television can be expected to challenge you on the same level as a film or novel is still kind of radical,

I disagree. He did the "nice guy" stuff exceptionally well on Mad Men.

Yeah, whatever happened to his religious Irish nanny, anyway? She would have been interesting to have around for the Jesus season, and she actually gave him shit for essentially expecting her to be a stay-at-home mom for Harrison.

Totally forgot about him. But yeah, he was really good-looking and charming, and also slightly dangerous. You don't really need to look too hard to see why she'd dig him.

I've been trying to articulate all the problems I had with the internal logic that she is totally in love with Dexter, but you did it much better. Rudy was charming; Lundy was her dad; Quinn was a hook-up she didn't take too seriously. I still think it's reaching to say that they were all somehow in direct response to

I really wish the scene had germinated either out of Dexter being put into such a tight corner that he needs to tell her (kind of where he was headed in Season 2) or the idea germinating based on what she knows about his mother/Rudy/BHB/Kyle Butler. You know… detective work.

"…in what was otherwise a season six episode of Dexter."
God damn, what a terrific burn.

"Why did they conveniently wait for Dex to show to this one crime scene they never did that before?" That was the only one that really bothered me as I was watching. At this point I think it's fair to assume that Dexter is magic, so him getting away with ridiculous shit barely even blips. But that crime scene thing

It will be very interesting if Kymia ends up winning everything, and I think she has a good shot at it, because it'll mean this show followed a very similar pattern to last year: putting a more abstract, process-oriented artist in the front-runner position for the bulk of the series, but ultimately reward the more

What really kills me is that so many great actors still willingly work with this guy. I mean, can you even imagine? If I was working my 9 to 5 and found out that I was working with a man who raped a little girl and then fled the country rather than face justice, I would quit. Straight up. If I continued working for

You have brought me unsurpassed joy in the image of Portia de Rossi screaming  at her television for Brittany and Santana to just make out already.

Well if you watched the show you would understand that charity only counts when Jesus is watching.

I'm not that familiar with "Do They Know It's Christmas?," so I didn't recognize it when they began to sing and actually thought to myself, "Well, this episode has been awful, but at least they didn't use that truly abysmal 'Well tonight, thank God it's them instead of you' song."

Microsuede guy was clearly a producer plant, right? Nobody just walks around Manhattan with $300 thinking "I really wish I had the chance to spend all this money on some mediocre art today."

I especially loved Shelby's monologue about how Quinn was too young to understand, but when you're older you realize having sex with people you have direct power over is like, totally no big deal. You can just fuck them and break up with them and dangle their kid in front of their faces with no negative consequences

I actually thought it was hilarious that as soon as he put on the suit he gained forty pounds of muscle and a few inches of height. That part didn't bother me. Also the fact that it fits everyone who tries it on like a glove, like the gimp suit equivalent of the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants.

They managed to ruin Tate, Rubber Man and Violet in one hour of television. What the fuck, American Horror Story.

I think it played out really well, for the same reason I think the Kurt/Finn conflict played out (relatively) well. You were able to see why both parties felt the way they did, and neither one came off looking great, and neither one came off looking like a demon.

" Eh, too much wackiness strung together with too much talking and bad attempts at emotions and feelings."