
Thank you, he has his moments.

I miss the old Steve Martin.

To me Stutter has seemed to be be an uneven writer.

It is good to see Ken Marino back.

Hopefully there would be some nice indie/arthouse porn selections.

This is what I wanted to say.

He also seems to never really be able to nail dark down, to me his "dark" material always feels contrived.

Great point in regards to Derbyshire she did some great work.

This is good news.


Though in my mind Vice shoots itself in the foot when it sends (hipster something or other) to do a fish out of water story. It would help if Vice actually started using expert reporters more often.

I think you can only mine comedy for so long. Which is why Maher may be lagging.

Lets see em!

It would be great if Chris Carter had a son who could continue his legacy of solid story telling.

Maybe a dish detergent?

That is a good point, the first episodes do a good job of capturing the maelstrom of drug violence that was 1980's Miami.

What is Nick Carter?

New dimensions could be added to Groundhog Day were Bill Murray performing in a dress.

"They'll say awe Topsy at my autopsy!"

I thinkā€¦?