
That and a slow career death due to unreliability.

I think at this point MRAs and feminists are starting to act the same way. This wasn't always the case, though internet in grouping has made intellectual tribalism worse. Edit both camps seem to be over sensitive and scream that the other is Satan. Edit edit ZMF? I don't see how invader Zim's MIddle Finger is relevant

Good fellas?

At least you had a good time.

Hopefully a Lohan situation doesn't develop.

Did anyone else discover tompkins through the pick of destiny?

I understand and believe in equal rights and being sensitive to people though to me , humor is its own thing, also most comedians are hella liberal. I think Jim Norton said it best "either everything is permissible or nothing is." As most comedians if not all would probably not agree that domestic violence is okay.

Edit I think reddit's problem is more about human nature than its is about ideology. As I have seen writers at Jezebel joke about beating their boyfriends. Which may be excused as being ironic, such humor would never be acceptable were it reverse. Ultimately the left and the right on the internet seem to be more

It's the best way to do things.

Makes sense though the avclub doesn't have the bizarrist anarchist culture that 4chan does, it might not be an apt comparison. Not to sound pretentious but 4chan is unrestrained freedom you can troll the place though 4channers might hack your computer in retaliation. Mods in 4chan seem to exist to keep things from

That is true though I think you can see things on the other side of the coin. I have seen see self avowed feminists joke about men who get plastic surgery to look like Justine Beiber then bristle at poorly worded weight loss campaigns. I think ultimately the internet exacerbates both tribalism and intellectual

You raise some points though I don't think reddit is any different than any other site. I have seen some sites that espouse left leaning edit sjw view points engage in highly inappropriate behavior be it sexism or racism. reddit could be magnifying already existent toxic internet culture. Also maybe reddit is

reddit really isn't that bad as a whole, I don't get the hate it receives here. Edit I think you're being unfair to young Mohamad as well, the avclub is a good site due to how relaxed it is. Blowing up at Mohamad Taugiq Morshidi kind of clashes with the whole avclub vibe in my opinion.

Truly a renaissance man.

For me it was when he went to sell a movie of his a proceeded to give a metaphorical middle finger to the film industry. The irony of his gesture is that few bread and butter film makers could get away with what he did.

I need $50,000 to hang out in H. Jon Benjamin's Van.

Crowd funding has gone from an interesting tool that has potential to essentially people wanting to indulge in whims. This makes me wish I could hang out in H. Jon Benjamin's van

My friend so did I…so did I.


Reality Bites displays a disdain for the 9 to 5 corporate life, yet oddly is itself a film released by a corporation that panders to then hip apathy of 90s youth.