
Ayy lamo!


You raise some good points. This culture of offense taking is hampering prospects for change.

I will coincide that though. I loved The Wire and Treme is a slog. Despite its well crafted and well acted material.

Treme was great slice of life television but it was hampered by a glacial pace. Also its characters were not as good as those in The Wire.

Deutschland 83 started strong though, I will agree its season finale just seemed to be sorting characters, by how convenient they were to the plot.

His character just isn't crappy enough. I feel he needs to a bit more petty.

Not enough trans ams and cocaine.

Honestly, I like it thus far, Alpha house just stopped after the first episode. Sure there was drama but, it just seemed insubstantial.

He seems to wise and too cool, and not petty and self important enough IMO.

A lesser Rob Corddry character. He was good in hot tub time machine.

His character is uneven, sometimes funny, sometimes annoying.

Alpha House really wasn't that funny. It just never "took off" after the first episode. The Brink at least has some humorous elements, like the secretary of state and the secretary of defense fighting like middle schoolers. I think with improved writing the show could gel.

I agree with the reviewer, Robbin's charcter just seems too cool for school, and it just puts a halt on the humor.

The cave would be weird though.

The resturants Euclid Hall, D'Corazon etc. I would recommend any of the museums in Denver as well.

Someone has to stop the hacker named 4chan.

Does shrek appear at some point?

I need to see this.

I don't know it seems like new organizations are relying more and more on sensationalism and even fabrication. As we are now seeing the end of the subscription model. I don't think it is necessarily a political issue.