
As well as face and hand grabbingly.

They prefer to attack the groin and or the face first.

Nice copypasta.

Because indie has become less a type of movie and more of an aesthetic. I remember growing up and having limited access to IFC, indie films were movies that weren't on the beaten path. That seemed to tell different stories in different ways. Now there are few actual indie films.

Good point I hadn't made the Greek god connection. It will be interesting to see how things play out.

The investors aren't just mere shapeshifters. I got vibes that they are something more, possibly demi god like. Though it does seem like david bowie sovereign got his powers from the investors to begin win.

"Oh yeah, they filmed this movie in Malaysia which is Nice." Its got that going for it.


It is like we are soul mates of hate. To me Smith should have had more time in "the trenches" as opposed to getting the film career he did which was to do most of the projects he wanted to do. As opposed to projects he was required to do.

Don't feel bad I have no idea what a Tijuana high five is, the same goes for a Tennessee Log Jammer.

I agree it is getting ridiculous.

Kickstarter seems to be conceptually falling apart. With wealthy celebrities using it to finish movies and the whole oculus rift debacle it is getting harder to be able to support and use the platform.

It is the coolest story bro. Though this show is probably going to fail due to the producers being cheap. As to the sarcasm I find it funny when a production tries to poorly substitute a location for another.

This is going to display lovely areas of Canada.

Didn't Gawker love her at first?

I can't imagine many grey or black hat hackers wanting to get in on this action. Given their profession.

That would be the worst thing you could do with trolls. Blizzard tried that in a demonstration and within hours Blizzard heads had their children's schools posted on forums.Using real names would be like giving trolls lasers on their heads, especially tech savvy trolls who can mask their internet footprint.

I don't understand why Hollywood keeps digging up old properties like Annie. As a sci fi lover I can think of several works that could use a tv show or movie adaptation.