
I was pretty disappointed with this movie aside from two or so scenes. The opening was pretty good, and the No Vaseline part was good. There rest was a lot of history being re-written to make Dre and Cube look better, and corny winks to their career milestones.

I think Suge is short for Sugar Bear, so that's not too far off from reality.

She was in some of the Fast and Furii films as the "eye candy" and love interest for Han Seoul-o. I don't remember her having an accent there.

I think I will probably like Deadpool, but I think they got the trailers all wrong. There is a wierd tone shift between trying to explain his origin and then the wacky shit he gets up to. Outside of the trailers, their marketing campaign has been great, though. At my local theatre, there was a huge stand-up

He's Australian, so at least they are are casting appropriately culturally for Captain Boomerang.

I thought it was one of the better episodes I have seen lately. Driver seems effortlessly comfortable goofing around which sells wierd stuff like Raynal-Beads, but also probably helps when you are trying to harmonize while a bunch of physical comedy is happening around you. I was really impressed with the singing in

Although they have done the death star thing twice already, I liked how expensive the Starkiller Base looked. They somehow cored out the planet, with a ring removed that looked roughly like a third of it. Just imagining the effort it would take to build that kind of contraption is fascinating to me. I also liked that

I agree that some of the vitriol towards Lucas goes too far. The guy is an innovator, and has created some great things. However, the prequels are mostly terrible. I still watch them every couple of years because there are elements that I like, but the dialogue is so bad that it taints the whole thing.

I haven't seen anyone mention "Hotties" yet. It wasn't on the show, but on one of their early albums. I am also a big fan of "sellotape" just because I love when Brit goes Paul McCartney/"I've got a Feelin'", but "Hotties" is the best.

This is the comment I was looking for.

I think "I am Iron Man" is the last thing he says in the movie. But I can understand where people are coming from when they thought he was giving it up. He blows up his suits and takes the reactor out of his chest. Then in the next movie he has built a freaking satellite completely dedicated to servicing the suit

I really liked the intro battle and the team building exercises, but I was more disappointed by the end battle and hordes of faceless robots. I realize that there has to be something for each Avenger to beat up on, but it would have been more satisfying for me to see a foe that could be a threat to the Avengers

You say "moving on", but I never got that from the ending. He realizes that he is Iron Man even without the suit. The power was within him the whole time!

Tony isn't retiring at the end of IM3 he is just taking back some control of his life from his obsession with the suits.

I think it looks great. It looks like what an ecto-cooler-mobile should look like. However, Ghostbusters just isn't that great of movie or property to franchise. I have a Ray Parker Junior "Chartbusters" LP.

I think it might be insensitive now to play this song in today's world due to the lion attacks that Christians were persecuted with in gladiatorial arenas. Everyone knows that they are sworn enemies, so a "lion-hearted Christian" would possibly be self-loathing, or would like to eat Christians. As a Christian, I do

I kinda like the lyrics, but maybe it is just because I heard Tenacious D cover it.

I wonder if it is a reference to the lyrics to the theme song.

What exactly are the requirements to be worthy to pick up Mjolnir? Is Mjolnir sentient? Or is there something about Odin's incantation on it that makes it favor Thor even though he is kind of a dick? Does anyone think that Mjolnir letting Cap budge it was a sly burn by Mjolnir on Thor letting him know that he is on

Which Police Academy film was that from? I don't remember them being so serious.