
This just came out for rental and I probably should have just waited for HBO. There are a few interesting bits, but it is trying to be a different kind of western than it is. The music seemed inappropriate at times, with the score conveying rising tension while our heroes are riding somewhere, and then the scene cuts

Oh man that would be awesome if they made a Star Trek movie from the perspective of the Klingons, and they used your title.

what would you call it?

Not only are they seductive ladies like the ones that Ulysses avoided, but they are also trouble-makers that might cause the Gotham Police to come to the scene of a crime with their sirens blaring. It reminds me of a '70s cop show, but I think it is clever enough.

My initial reaction was negative because I did not think Suicide Squad was good, but this is the type of women-centric action/hero movies that should be made instead of just gender flipping a male team. This isn't some Ghostbusters thing, I actually liked the new one, but I think it does a disservice to the women

The Man from Uncle was good. I thought the Sherlock Holmes stuff was entertaining if not great. I think there is a big difference between thinking someone's output is dissappointing and thinking that whatever they do will automatically suck. Take Ridley Scott for example. Robin Hood was terrible. Prometheus, while

you are thinking of Zack Snyder.

I don't think this movie looks terribly good, but where does the hate for Guy Ritchie come from? He has made some genuinely good movies, and without him, maybe we wouldn't have been blessed with Jason Statham. Probably Vinnie Jones, too, though I'm sure opinions vary on him.

Not really. the weight of the top grill thing squeezes the cheese out of the sides.

The most recent questionable example I have seen was Chris Hemsworth/In The Heart of the Sea. He switches between a heavy New England accent and Australian quite a bit. I'm not sure if they were trying to do some sort of historical dialect or what, but it didn't seem to work that great.

He should just start wearing a giant lobster bib.

Just saw this tonight and aside from some small gripes I thought it was pretty good. There are going to be SPOILERS insterspersed throughout this thing.

Maeve: What is my purpose?

I am pretty sure. Teddy is waiting at the bar for the woman who he was doing a bounty storyline with. He is having a drink and looking out the window and sees Dolores walking and making her usual route. Only this time he is either distracted or obligated to stay at the brothel, which opens up the opportunity for

In the scene where William picks up the dropped can for Dolores instead of Teddy, you can see Teddy watching from the window in the brothel. Teddy wasn't there to pick it up because he was on a storyline with the woman visitor.

A few years back my dad got me a golf hat that on the side has a small embroidered "candy asses" inside a red circle with a line through it. It's not the main thing on the hat, just a small badge on the side. It is a pretty cool hat.

I work in a photo lab and also have mild red-green colorblindness. I had no idea until a coworker gave me one of the tests, which was a bit of a surprise because I am pretty good at color adjustment and matching.

My assumption is that it is not necessarily a daily reset. I think I read that guests can stay for a maximum of 28 days at a time, so depending on how the storylines play out, the reset could be a day, could be a month.

They also say that she has been repaired so many times, she is practically new, so her current state isn't necessarily indicative of how advanced she was 30 years ago.

Butters thinks he bears no responsibility for the things Skankhunt42 was posting, but he was passing things along and laughing about it. He sent a picture of a girls mom with a dick in her mouth to the girl. I do love his "snakes in the grass" talk, but I think he is taking a heel turn.