
I couldn't quite pinpoint why I thought the mask looked weird but I think it is because when he just had the black mask, you could see the back part of his jaw, but with the new mask, he has flaps that cover half of it. Also, maybe it is just the way his head is positioned in the picture, but the forehead looks too

He isn't exaggerating at all. You are guaranteed to find at least one mention in any article about a republican presidential candidate. It is already tiresome, and we have a year and a half to go.

And that is exactly what makes superman boring.

I don't think that is something superman would ever do, though. It is out of character for him.

I think that is where kryptonite comes into play.

didn't he have the power of jump cuts?

yeah you're right, it is. But what about star wars isn't? A New Hope had that bit with Obi-Wan talking about the clone wars and everyone thought it was some cool thing for 15 years.

I was pretty skeptical about this new Star War, but this teaser allays some of my doubts. There is something about the aesthetic that seems more "cinematic" than how the prequels looked. For example: That shot of the Stormtroopers disembarking. If Lucas shot that it would probably have all of the lights on.

It makes me feel better that the broken shield in the Avengers 2 trailer will probably get repaired thanks to Black Panther. Nothing worse than a sad Captain America.

Is there a story surrounding why he didn't return for 15 or so years? I can understand why Wayne Gretzky didn't host twice, but Carrey seems like he would be a safe pick.

I'm not a huge Jim Carrey fan, but I think he does fine as an SNL host. The format is right in his wheelhouse, and there are definitely some off-beat cast members recently that will probably fit right in with his style of humour.

Is Todd Phillips' Starsky and Hutch suddenly not cool anymore? I think that movie is pretty good and the soundtrack is outstanding. I also like that in the credits they show how badly they are ruining those Torinos. The one where the guy takes off the front of the car trying to whip into a parking spot is pretty

It looked to me like he choked on bird feathers. I thought the line about how Valyrian steel was super sharp so Joffrey should be careful pointed directly to his use of the sword to open the cake, killing a bird and getting either feathers or bird blood on his portion of cake, which ultimately killed him.

They are a real band. Sure it is a spoof band, but they still made music and put out albums. What makes a band real?

I thought maybe she was referring to Sugar Babies, and there seems to be some similarity as far as the ingredients (chocolate, licorice/caramel), but there doesn't seem to be a direct link.

Now you must go back and read it again with the knowledge that some more people may have added comments to strings that you passed by quickly. Godspeed to you.

I have sometimes done developing and printing work for the local police departments, and one time I was questioned about the condition of some film that supposedly exonerated a suspect. I was basically being asked how this person could fake the film, and my coworker(s) and I could not come up with any way outside of

This is more of a movie thing, but I recently watched the Place Beyond the Pines, and at the end, SPOILERS!, when one of the characters has run away and decides to buy a motorcycle, he hands the owner the cash for the bike, and then just rides off! Hey Shithead! you forgot to get the title for the bike!

Maybe it was just because Dennis Farina is awesome, but I liked "Crime Story" back in the day. It probably didn't hurt that Michael Mann was behind it either.

Cashing in points will always be a shitty alternative to a pay raise. Even if the same taxes applied, at least you would be taxed on actual income instead of the inflated value of some shoddy "sony guts" type merchandise.