
What is the difference between shawarma and a gyro?

In the cartoon, which is fantastic and everyone should check it out on Netflix, Hawkeye wears a pink outfit.

It's like a buddy cop movie team 'em up, where these two shows hate each other, but they are gonna have to join forces to solve this crime, and maybe get to know, and even like, each other in the process.

to me, it seems like they are giving it a chance to live on by moving it. Friday has lower expectations for ratings, and as TDVW says, if most of the current fans follow the show, it might look good enough to keep the show going. They are doing a favor to the fans by even renewing for 13 eps instead of canceling and a

If no forms of electricity worked, then everything would die. our bodies run on electricity.  you can generate electricity with a couple of potatoes and a couple of wires if you want to power a lightbulb, but no one can even make a spark in this show?  not even with flint and steel?  sounds fishy.

Was that Jack Black as the hobo with the dog?  I guess Buddy didn't deal well with getting kicked out of the study group.


I thought it was weird that she mispronounced it because her messenger said it correctly. Mormont also knew of the city. Seemed to me a ploy to make herself seem "simple".

I thought it was pretty well implied that the stag staff/club thing was not just to beat the other prostitute with.  Since the prostitute presents her ass instead of her head it seems to me like that was the cue.

Thanks! none of my searches were turning up anything.

Can anyone tell me what song is playing over the end credits?


I would have thought it would be 68105. There must be a zip code line right down Farnam.

Why doesn't everyone realize that the police were PROHIBITED from arresting Zimmerman! Couldn't do it. Nooope.  Everyone knows that police get the ok from the AG before they arrest anyone.

Did Quarles set up the video game in the background so that it would have the fighter with the katana taunting the guy he killed?

I think that was Sean Bridgers, who played that piece of shit Johnny Burns.

I thought the more jarring turnaround was Herschel suddenly willing to put a bullet into Randall so quickly. He keeps zombie friends and family locked up in the barn for months because he thinks he can save them, but after a little whisky he will put down anyone.

[wears giant hat]

I was wondering why after Shane asked Lori to "see him out" they didn't just go talk on the porch. Instead, everyone else left the room.

Carl was more pissed about not being told about the baby than Rick was.  The fact that he was wearing a giant hat only increased the tension.