
The sense I got of that scene was that Carol saw that Daryl was pushing away and used herself as a lightning rod to vent his anger or something.  She was trying to provoke him into letting his frustrations out. You have to give her credit for not turning into a blubbery mess while getting berated by Daryl.

I think the idea is that instead of fighting each other for scraps, staggering the times might lead to better than passable ratings for all of them, which could be the difference between one of these shows being cancelled or renewed.

Too rah loo rah too rah loo rye lay

This whole praying for wins thing reminds me of the Mr. Show sketch "God's Book on Tape".

The drummer lost the beat at least 6 times by my count in that song. I hope he got a lot better since 1992.

Try watching "Signs" now.  this bit of dialogue was particularly good:

"At least I don't plaster on the makeup like a trollop, you cunt."
    -John McCain to his wife

If everyone keeps saying Obama is far left, it will make what they are saying seem normal.

Aren't all comedians "quasi-journalists"?

here is link with some percentages from other shows.

since the age of consent in France is 15, would the Gainsbourg album qualify?

Did anyone say My Two Dads, yet?  because that would be awful. I did like that car/couch thing they had though.

I liked the episode overall but the bit that triggered the Pierce storyline kind of annoyed me as being too contrived. A broken outlet cover is no reason for Annie to start worrying about her deposit in a place that is supposedly very shitty.  Was it just to give Pierce something to mess up?  What was he poking that

Cartman has always been psychologically broken. That is his raison d'etre.

what the hell is he doing in that discussion?

I am kind of hoping Muscleman Mark survives because he was only boiled.

They are too busy getting their Soros payouts to worry about actual details or history.

In the last half season in the anger management episode, Cartman used Mitch Connors as an online alter ego to get the counselors wife to kill herself in revenge for the counselor calling him fat. To me, that implies that Cartman is consciously behind the actions of Mitch Connors.

This probably should have been more like a "gateway to rap featuring: Ice Cube" rather than trying to focus on one single. There was not even a single mention of "Steady Mobbin'" which I think is kind of a prequel to "It was a good day".

Thanks, that was an entertaining read.  I still don't get how stand-wiping is a thing, though.