
I once took an 8 hour flight with no pants on at all, and no one said a thing, even going through customs.  Of course that was in a pre 9/11 world, and it was United Airlines, so maybe that is why.

Like this if you think trees are awesome, and socialists are people, too.

Whatever you do, don't go with "They're in a better place, now."

You know something is wrong when the sensei says," these are the weapons you will be working with."  and they are actual weapons. WTF is that? It should be a leaf or a noodle or something.

I don't know who is even thinking of invading the US, but they are in for a rude awakening when they find out that every Wal*Mart is essentially a weapons depot.  A better strategy would probably be to coerce our military into unwinnable and inescapable conflicts that drain trillions of dollars from an already

Here you go little buddy.

I always thought those albums of his sucked, so maybe that is why.  There is quite a bit of hit or miss when it comes to picking out a Zappa album you don't know anything about.  For every Roxy & Elsewhere, there is a Thing Fish or Lather.  On the bright side, almost every Zappa album you don't like has one song that

yeah that is it. They are all labeled as "Limited Edition" and apparently are the best versions of the original theatrical releases that we are ever going to get from Lucas.

Johnny's Bananas
The show on Entourage is actually called "Johnny's Bananas", not Johnny Bananas. I don't know if that means that the bananas belong to Johnny or that Johnny is bananas, but I do think it means that Bananas is not Johnny's last name.

Gator's bitches better be usin' jimmies!

Can we talk?
I think it has happened before with Ned talking with the King, but I love how these guys dismiss a room of 50 or so people to talk privately rather than just walking to an adjacent room or something.

I kind of thought that too, because I liked the new X-menz, and then I was disappointed that they didn't even really make fun of it.

I did google that and got a bunch of sites looking to capitalize on people with poor credit. I get your point though. Opening a bunch of credit lines is a bad idea, but you have to use credit to get a good credit rating. You can't pay cash for everything and expect to get a good interest rate (or even approval) when

Does mac even make one button mice anymore? I think you can customize the standard mouse to be the classic one button style, but it has four buttons and a scroll ball to use if you want to. If you don't like the standard mouse, pretty much any USB mouse will work.

Just watched Bronson thanks to the netflix streaming tip above, and thought it was OK. Hardy does a great job in the role, but i'm not sure what to take away from it. I can't help but compare it to CHOPPER, which I enjoyed much more. I went into Bronson thinking that there was at least something that I was supposed

I have noticed a steady increase of the use of the word "shit" on basic cable television over the past couple years, but there were S-Bombs going off all over this episode! They must have said the word shit almost 10 to 15 times. I know it is nothing next to the curse words episode(they said shit on TV!) where

I had quite a bit to say about this episode as well, but it doesn't really matter.