
I assumed what I always assume when people get married young - that they are waiting for marriage to have sex. That seems to really speed the nuptials up.

Luke doesn't have many close relationships and isn't particularly experienced at dating.  It makes sense that Lorelai would be a topic that comes up often - he interacts with her more than anyone else and he doesn't know better than to talk about another woman on a date.

Yes.  But when Jim finally says "hi" at the end of the episode it is super hot for some reason.  I liked that character, and definitely rooted for him, but until the "hi" I never really even noticed if he was attractive or not.  After, a different story.

I kind of like that element of the show.  All of the more sensible characters get slowly driven out of their skulls by Michael, while some of their stability eventually rubs off on him.

She took their daughter 20 MINUTES away.  What kind of douche can't schlep 20 minutes to see his kid.  Sometime in (at least!) the seven years they have been in their house?  She didn't move far, move often or in any way interfere with their relationship.  Rory takes a bus that distance two times a day for school.  He

That was my read on it too.  He wasn't just having a party or presumably his roommate would have invited someone other than his girlfriend too.  The party was just a reason to get Pam over but he has to invite everyone else to cover for that fact.  

A guy that I had a huge crush on drew a really cute picture of me and left it in my locker with his number on the back.  I was kind of secretly shy in high school, seemingly outgoing but actually a totally dork.  I was too crippled by that dorkiness to respond in any way.   
One day my friend mentioned casually to me

I had a different take on that line.  I thought he was taking a jab at Michael for assigning black belt status to guys he had beaten up.  Jim asks how Michael knew then were black belts to make fun of Michael for the ridiculous story and then Dwight continues the ribbing with this comment.

I'm a former Kim current Mrs. Weir.  Believe it or not.

"But why is Bob climbing over the couch still the most terrifying thing I've ever seen on TV?"I'm kind of embarrassed to say I have considered that question since the show first aired.  But I'm among my people for that kind of thing right?  
Five or so years after that aired I was sitting on the floor at a friend's


Then he wipes blood on his shirt.  It makes me so happy that Logan goes out at full Logan strength and not in emo-pining mode.  One of my favorite final scenes for a character ever.

My read on "actually bringing down their heist from the inside" was that it was a stunt to kick off his run for sheriff,

"Rode hard - meet put away wet"
Said to the two Buffy alums no less.

I know everyone has probably moved on from this discussion already but I was going too nuts not to reply.
The 17 year old kid walked into the forest to die.  That is not a passive hero at all.  What more could a hero possible do to earn heroism through merit?  He didn't just accidentally survive as a baby and then

What do you give the fatherless boy of a crazy woman?  The squirrel handcuff suggestion made me laugh so hard I had to hit pause.  I sometimes wonder why I still watch this show and the answer is always Hugh Laurie's performance and the occasional random line like this one.

Also, Parker has no memory of the rape.  Which is not at all to say it wasn't traumatic, but waking up with a shaved head (and other physical evidence I'm sure) is probably not as horrific as being present and conscious.  It isn't completely irrational that she could recover a bit from that in a way that wouldn't be

Watch the imaginary flashback scene where Madison looks over her shoulder from atop Logan again sometime.  Madison looks just like one of the Wild Things (from the kids' book not the movie.)  Every time I see this episode it makes me laugh and thus not take the Veronica torture as seriously as I might otherwise,  I

Just to jump on the Mac not raped bandwagon…
I get why people had this impression.  My problem with this interpretation is timing.  Did Beaver rape her just before he intercepted the text from Veronica?  That seems out of character (as mentioned in other posts) mostly because he is not a confrontational guy.  Raping a

I don't know if there was anything in this episode to actually back me up but I read the sacrificing Dawn bit in another way entirely.  I took from this conversation that Dawn dying was not such a terrible thing anymore because Buffy knows what the end result would be.  No one considered that Buffy would go to heaven