
Or at the Orlando Bloom episode?  I laughed the whole way through that, maybe because the premise rings so true.  This was actually my method for snagging the cute boys in high school - I pretended to be the one girl that just wasn't in to them.  It had a zero percent fail rate.  I got the exact sort of relationships

Surprise party
Can we just briefly discuss how dickish it is for Aaron to invite Veronica and Logan over to that surprise party? He knows specifically that they are sneaking around and then totally ambushes them with nearly everyone they know. Obtuse or purposefully nasty? I have seen the series though a few times

You have the writers' help with that backstory. I don't think they beat us over the head with it, but in all of the flashback scenes (save the one where Logan is pissed with Lilly and makes out with that other chick) Logan doesn't seem like a bad guy at all. As early as the homecoming episode flashbacks they were

I am not one of those weird shipper people. That said, the first time I saw this episode I actually whooped when Logan laid one on Veronica. I didn't even realize that I liked him yet, yet alone liked him enough to be okay with any kind of relationship with Veronica. I was especailly surprised because I like Leo

"I'll grant that the "Celeste suspects Jake of cheating" case is pretty weak, goes essentially nowhere (is it ever even established who Jake was meeting with in that hotel and why?), and is hard to square with later revelations. (Was it ever even established who Jake was meeting with in that motel, and why?)"