
Agreed. Working to expand a kids palate is great, but do it at home where you aren't spending $20 on something that the kid won't eat and then sulk about during the whole meal when you're trying to have a nice time out of the house. If you are successful at getting your kids to enjoy trying new foods at home, then

I'm curious if there is a point in the future where creators will feel like they can move freely between creating games of this type vs movies or TV shows and what kind of particular strengths and weaknesses would go into deciding what types of stories would be best as a game. Or does this mostly remain a niche genre

You can't really say the Doctor let humanity make it's own decision while he decides who gets to be there to make the decision. If he thought she would make a different decision, she would not have been there to make it. The Doctor owns that decision, not Clara and not humanity.

I just finished Enemy Within on Normal and only built 4 satellites by the end of the game. I kept wondering if I should be building more, but other things always seemed more important at the time. I didn't find it extremely difficult, but I definitely played where if a level really went tits up I'd just start over.

I'm holding a mirror in front of my monitor right now and all I can see is the Excel spreadsheet I have in the background.

I read for mostly plot and managed to get through Gravity's Rainbow. It was the worst. I'm sure Proust is worse yet, but somehow I'm still tempted to try it. If "the beauty of the sentences" ever comes up when describing a novel I should learn to stay the hell away.

I feel like people who have generally bad associations with prog tend to argue bands/albums that they like out of the genre.  Of course music genres are always tough to define, so it's not hard to do.

I feel like people who have generally bad associations with prog tend to argue bands/albums that they like out of the genre.  Of course music genres are always tough to define, so it's not hard to do.

Hey!  Someone who loves Rock Bottom as much as I do… I didn't think there were any others out there.  Have you listened to the "Theatre Royal Drury Lane" live album?  It doesn't match the sustained mood that makes Rock Bottom so amazing, but it's a fantastic album in it's own right and just taken as individual songs I

Hey!  Someone who loves Rock Bottom as much as I do… I didn't think there were any others out there.  Have you listened to the "Theatre Royal Drury Lane" live album?  It doesn't match the sustained mood that makes Rock Bottom so amazing, but it's a fantastic album in it's own right and just taken as individual songs I

@avclub-71ded0a5c5ea6f613e50d7d1a413eb5d:disqus   One way you can hand-wave your issues away is that Westeros used to be made up of smaller kingdoms corresponding to the great houses (i.e the Starks were the kings of the North kingdom) and it wasn't until the Targaryans came with their dragons that Westeros became one

True, and it's a good point.  But like many things young white people take to, black people did it first.

I love classic prog and King Crimson in particular, but unless the remixing includes replacing the songs on Lizard with brand new ones, I have a hard time believing it could be anything better than mediocre.

Jim Carrey's gonna freak!

It's been beat already. An even longer article by Nathan Rabin pointing out that Kevin Federline is a douchebag.  At least this article made an attempt (I think a pretty well made argument) to challenge conventional wisdom rather than just pandering to opinions everyone on this site already

Huh… I feel exactly the opposite.  Songs from a Room almost got me to give up on buying Cohen albums after absolutely loving his first one because I just didn't feel like it had the same atmosphere.  The lyrics are as great as ever, but the musicality seemed to disappear for most of the record.  After "Story of Isaac"

Speaking of prog instrumental battles, the random guy yelling "BILLY COBHAM* EAT YOUR HEART OUT!" during the opening crowd noise on the King Crimson** Great Deciever box set is one of my favorite live album moments ever.  That dude really seemed to have a stake in who the best drummer was.

When we first got a dial-up modem I think the only thing we used it for was dialing into the Sierra OnLine hint thing.  My dad acted pissed that it cost like $6/minute, but I think he was secretly excited that there was actually something useful we could dial into.  The internet has changed a bit since then.

I'm beginning to feel like I'm the only person who really preferred the Sierra games as a kid to the LucasArts games.  Maybe it's just because I grew to love the genre from playing King's Quest and (especially) Space Quest, but I always found the LucasArts games a little disappointing.  Granted, they were a lot less

That would be more convenient for now, but doesn't that remove any incentive for studios to let content be free on Netflix.