
Just cut to the chase… how deathly are these hallows?

Is my reading comprehension getting better, or have Tarkovsky's posts been a lot more coherent lately.

I remember listening to KZOK back in the 90's and Steve Slaton was wondering aloud how long they'd make him wait before he could get "Alive" in to the rotation.  I really loved Steve Slaton.

The Endymion novels were entertaining for the most part, but Aenea's preachiness drove me crazy after a while and turned me off the books.  It's hard to sympathize with a seemingly messianic character in any case, but especially so when I can't bring myself to buy into the BS she's preaching.

I wonder if they named themselves after the lyric from "Carpet Crawlers" by Genesis:

I haven't read the book, but agree with the sentiment.  I heard Pink Moon first and loved it.  Then I bought the rest of his stuff in one trip to the record store and immediately regretted it.  Not that those albums aren't first rate in most ways, but far too many saccharine string arrangements really drag them down

Yeah, well you're thick as a brick.

I'd go with Parcel of Rogues as the best Steeleye Span album.  It's rockier than the earlier ones, but it hits my sweet spot just right.  The title track is just so haunting and really makes me hate the British.

Stormcock is one of my all time favorite albums.  The acoustic guitar duo with he and Jimmy Page to close out "Same Old Rock" is amazing.  I have to say I've been mildly disappointed with most of his other albums except the live one ("Flashes From The Archives of Oblivion", I think it's called).

Much less poppy than the Kinks.  If pop is primarily what you're into, I would say this isn't your genre.  Still, I'd give a listen to some Fairport Convention and if you like what you hear this gateway does a great job of giving you some direction.

I've been credit union member my whole life until a few months ago I got sick of not being able to bank on weekends, inconvenient branch locations and making 0.00000001% interest… so I switched to B of A.  Now I feel like a dildo.

Have we forgotten about Hansel?!

Sure, but how much does it weigh?  That's how they get you.

I think I would enter to Strange Fruit by Billie Holiday.  I have a tendency to hang my slider.