I mean, Rise of Cobra goes hard with the "Ending of every Star Wars movie at once, underwater," but Retaliation seems like a ghostwritten coked-up Lindsey Graham fever dream.
I mean, Rise of Cobra goes hard with the "Ending of every Star Wars movie at once, underwater," but Retaliation seems like a ghostwritten coked-up Lindsey Graham fever dream.
It's not. It's almost a character study, but it's really just too slight overall to be much of anything other than a showcase for Monroe.
Nothing I suppose, but the character in the movie bases too much (that is, any) of his interactions with her on his fantasies.
On the one hand, the main character is portrayed as more than a little ridiculous for his fantasizing. On the other hand, the way he acts is mostly presented as OK in and of itself, complicated only by the fact that he's married.
There you go.
I thought about Simms, but as Teti has shown us his ramblings achieve a level of artistry that Aikman's word vomit doesn't even aspire to. Boomer's dull as dishwater, but seems conversational. I give Eli a pass because I think he might be perpetually nine years old.
I might just really want it to be Aikman because I…
This is the kind of literalist nonsense that is ruining literally everything. LITERALLY. EVERYTHING.
Both of those things are fairly common to the genre it's satirizing.
OK, Hollywood Henderson.
I'd categorize Cam's flaws as more personality-based than intelligence, unless I've missed something (which is possible). I mean, we may have to wait until he's retired and on commentary somewhere to know for sure, but I feel like "doesn't make meaningful sentences despite being a professional talker" is a high bar…
Is Aikman perhaps the dumbest human to have ever played quarterback at the professional level? I'd posit that he's at least the dumbest human to have any significant degree of success playing quarterback professionally.
94: Yeah, as much as I want Breihan to write up The Professional, Speed is more of a landmark in the genre.
95: Again, you're probably on it here, although there's a pretty good case for Goldeneye I'd think.
96: Yep.
97: A close one, and Con Air might get it with Woo having two on the board already.
98: The late 90s seem…
Bad Boys will be high on the honorable mention list, but Bay's getting The Rock and probably Bad Boys II, which is the better choice of Bad Boys for this feature.
Of course he prefers Manhattan clam chowder. Manhattan is where all the classiest things come from.
I was genuinely wondering if I was missing some connection that made Occam actually relevant to the discussion, and this explanation will do nicely.
Is that maybe supposed to be Chekhov's Bat?
It's just poop all the way down, really. And sometimes all the way up, too.
Maybe "ephemera?"
I'll buy neither Taco Bell nor Chipotle fans knowing that word.
. . . you say orange.
It was a tomato garden. He got the orange out of a bowl of fruit on the table.