captain crunk

Are you sure? What about all the life changing moments in Agents of Shield that this episode directly stole from? All those subtle moments of emotional epiphany, like when we see Ward asked what S.H.I.E.L.D. stands for.

Sure, but it's no Agents of Shield if you ask me.

And then eat "livebloods."

iZombie on CW, and apparently people like it. I haven't seen it.

Ugh… why can't they create a show about a racoon detective that everyone treats like a normal detective. That would still be more creative than this entire premise. Actually, how about no more crime investigation shows that 'have a twist' please? I think we have had enough for awhile.

I think the show wants her to be a young adult still trying to find her identity, which she is as a comic character and on the show. Yes there is the strong feminist message, but you can't exclude the age factor. Do you want a gritty Supergirl? Do we really want a gritty Supergirl that actual girls can't relate to?

Got it. Who knows though, maybe on Krypton being a judge is an embarrassing profession, like being a pawnstar is on Earth.


Why is Supergirl "the great female hero?" She is a really young superhero in the comics, and often has to prove herself to the more seasoned heroes, traditionally including just about anyone in the JLA, especially Superman. I agree with other comments here that this is being geared toward a family audience, with a

She decided to keep them after her hipster phase.

Maybe he fell into a vat of chemicals and came out better looking and more confident.

If you are referring to Kara's mother, I think the villain is supposed to be her mother's twin sister.

Of course it would only be available in the style of the dark side.

He has to learn sometime.

Anyone else here use random custom Game Genie codes to just mess with Super Mario Bros. 3? You could get some really weird results and mixing of different powers, including a gray Mario with statue powers that was, of course, invincible, but couldn't go down tubes or something like that…

I love the oreo for Trump… 100% empty calories, no real nutrition, and America can't stop eating them.

I agree with your sentiment, but I also agree with you that we can hold out some hope and not write him off just yet for this kind of thing completely. I am sure you watched the first show, but if you didn't the segment in the video above shows him delivering some classic Colbert treatment to Trump. So good…