captain crunk

I actually might agree with you on that point. But I think it is actually closer to being flawed if you are not familiar with story progression in modern comics, especially the JLA comics. This doesn't follow the Hollywood superhero formula that we now expect every time.

It is very true to the DC comics of the last 20 to 30 years on almost everything, especially the storytelling style and elements. I can understand why the critics didn't like it, most didn't understand why certain things were happening because the movie didn't waste time with exposition (a really good example probably

Anything above a D is a love letter for DC Comics movie coming from A.A. Dowd.

It is basically a reboot of JAG.

With as many characters and plot points that this movie has to cover, this seems like good news. It could probably reach three hours without breaking much of a sweat all things considered.

This movie set out to be true to the material of Deadpool in the comics, which should have been impossible in Hollywood, but it did everything perfectly. This is especially great when you consider that the budget got slashed. Why are we being nitpicky about it being what it was meant to be at its core: a comic book

This article is just so clever. How do they do it?

Right? Why can painkillers make his body tough enough to punch through concrete, or fight Batman, without any damage in the movie? I can allow the "you can't make him feel pain because of the drugs" idea in a comic movie, but the guy isn't a monster fueled by venom like he should be, and as such can't be inhumanly

MORDRU OR GTFO. (I would love to see Starro or Despero too.) How great would be see Mordru and his chaos on the big screen?

I actually think that will be a main plot point in Batman V Superman based on the trailers. It looks like Superman/Clark is setup to think Batman is an out of control vigilante that needs to be stopped.

Holy crap! You mean a huge movie that is being split into two standalone parts will have a lot of characters? What is this, based on a mainstream series of comic books or something!?

Do you have a time for that brief image in the trailer?

Based on the size of the heat vision blast alone, I would say yes.

I think you are completely wrong. I have seen more people become interested after having seen this trailer. But you know what? Neither of us should say anything about what the majority of other people think because we couldn't possibly know by just looking through the comments on some website or the people we talk to.

Listen, it's clear you have problems reflecting on your own actions. You can't defend yourself, bad reading comprehension or your pointless confrontations. Give it time and maybe you will be able to come to terms some day.

Ugh… you got me "I'm In Tech." I'll let your imagination speak for itself. Your name is so much more thoughtful and better than mine, and there is absolutely nothing that begs for self-righteous validation and attention about your comments.

I will, thank you! And I am really glad you are not petty about not being a fan. That is one thing I can cross off my list of things you are not petty about. Too bad you are petty enough about other comments that you have to make say things like, "No one did." I just bet you are everyone's favorite at a party!

Bad jokes, sure, but bad comparisons? That is the point of the bad jokes! Agents of Shield is terrible and the antithesis of deep or thoughtful!