
Gonna miss ya, Rectify. You've been good to me these past 3.5 years.

I'm so happy this show is back. I have a weird relationship with it emotionally, in that it makes me feel so warm, and happy, while it also tears me to shreds because of the emotional honesty it portrays and the deep empathy it has for the characters.

There's something about this show that makes me feel so deeply. It hits me emotionally like no other show has done before, in that I am able to empathize with each and every character. On paper, I should find Teddy Jr. to simply be an irritating asshole. On paper, I should find Tawny to be simply naive, emotionally

Switched at Birth was on fire this week. I absolutely loved this episode. I loved how, in each storyline, each character was allowed their agency; their perspective remained intact. To me, this episode felt like it was about the importance of communication, of allowing people to have their feelings about what is

I find both shows to be mostly equal footing. SaB is definitely soapier (though not by much) than The Fosters but what I think make both shows worthwhile is the social observation element. Both shows are doing really great things in that they are portraying people that have gone really underrepresented, as people, in

Switched at Birth:

I am in love with this show. I love the slow pace, the lingering. It allows me to just immerse myself in the story and the characters. It all feels so real. The final scene in this episode brought me to tears and I'm really glad they ended it there. It feels indicative of how season 2 is going to play out for Daniel's

Aw nice, SaB and The Fosters double reviews! I dig it! I recently got caught up on The Fosters, so I'm excited to see them sharing a space. They're two of my current favorite series.

This was the strongest episode of the season, so far. So many great things going on here.

I also loved how non subtlety they referred to Emmett and Bay's relationship in their scene together. He's trying, he's still there. Ty is a scumbag. Please let this season have Bemmett get back together.

I actually quite liked this episode. Nice little low-key episode to cleanse the palette after last weeks surreal OTT nature.

"One of the most moving things about the whole thing was imagining the
conversation(s) John would have had to have with the others in order to
win them over. In a way, that’s as impressive as the dance itself (even
more, perhaps), because it would have forced him to confront (and be
upfront about) his motivations for

There was an article here a week or so back that slated these reviews as being potentially in danger of being cut due to lack of views and readership. I really hope they don't get cut because I very much enjoy Carrie's reviews of the show and I enjoy being able to come here every week to talk about it as no one I know

Take back Switched at Birth reviews!

Mary Beth and Travis are wonderful together. Another pairing on the show with really great chemistry.

I groaned at the teaser for next weeks episode about Bay finding out that Ty didn't actually cheat on her. I mean, I get that this is information that she NEEDS to know. I just hope that it ends with her finally realizing just how bad Ty is for her and realizing in that context how much better she and Emmett are

This episode was really weird, but in a way that only this show could make work. I'm sorry, I'm a hopeless Bemmett shipper, but their one small scene was the highlight of the episode for me. I took it as a sign that come the end of this season they'll be back in each other's arms where they belong. OK, done sounding

I hope this is just a scare. No art and not being able to sign? Cannot handle that.

SAVE SAB REVIEWS! I like having this space. No one I know watches the show but me so it's nice to have a forum to read about and discuss it.

Well Tank began as merely a love interest for Bay and potential catalyst for more Emmett/Bay drama. Yet they've done a pretty fair job of developing his personality outside of kinda dumb jock with a heart of gold. Renzo is the same blank slate he was in his first episode. It bothers me less that he's a gay stereotype