
Very much agreed on Renzo . He's a plot device/token gay character rolled into one. He's there to create drama and nothing more. For a show that's been really sensitive to diversity and breaking stereotypes, he sticks out like a sore thumb.

Well this episode was an overload and soapy in a way I don't like my SaB. At first I was kinda down with idea of a murder mystery party but then it turned into really underdeveloped contrast to the secrets being kept by the characters that I just stopped giving a crap. If they want the audience to be invested in this

Called the kiss between John and Nikki's mom during the Previously On. Though it went better in the episode than I thought it would.

I'm really over the Daphne's Love Interest of the Season storylines. Give the character something more interesting to do than chase or be chased by men, sheesh.

So glad these reviews are back. Season 3 is my favorite season after S5, and this review is a gorgeous deconstruction of the best premiere of the show (and in my personal top 10 overall episodes).

I am very excited about this. I've been an AV Club reader/lurker for quite awhile now, and decided to make an account so I can comment on the coverage of three of my favorite seasons of television!