Jasper Goodballoon

Pizaa Express Fiorentina pizza is the fucking nuts. That's got an egg right bang in the centre of it like a delicious bullseye.

USA=Peanut butter
My house=Turkey dripping

Fair enough, man. For future reference the crisp holy trinity is:

The French, Italians and Thais have also done wonders with us. God, we're such a bunch of cunts.

Riot - It took you a while to work out you'd rather be eating an actual roast chicken than chicken-flavoured crisps? Really?

Depends on the type of brown sauce. HP (short for Houses of Parliament) sauce is the most popular but tastes like fucking vinegar as far as I'm concerned. Now Daddies sauce… that stuff is fruity and spicey and goes an absolute treat on a bacon sandwich.

Some Gordon Ramsay TV show had a "Let's all eat squirrel" thing. Hasn't really taken off as far as I'm aware.

Danrim - Re: 'Love you til Tuesday'. The B-side of that funky little number was 'Did you ever have a dream' which mentions my hometown, and a place Bowie would have been very familiar with, Penge, SE20.

Really? The Google search results for "Gash" is my homepage.

Thank you. Thank you all. *sniff* This means so much to me. I… I just wanted to say…

For Iannucci doing wrong search out 'Gash'. An attempt to do a nightly topical comedy chat show that, unfortunately, sucked cock. He is ace, that one transgression aside.

"the biggest Buzzkill is I emailed the AV club to include this, but they were too busy taste testing ZMFs balls "

Christ almighty! He's a cunt, isn't he?

Here's to Jasper Goodballoonknot! Hip-hip-hurrah!

Toby Young is a pretty shitty little person but I'll bet that his piece for the Standard was dripping in his arched-eyebrow, nasally-delivered irony. The man can't say "hello" and mean it.

I'd recommend 'Pulling' - it's fucking ace. The wankrags at BBC3 have decided not to recommission a full third series of it, but the first two are well worth an illegal download.

The second series was strange affair - it would be laugh-free for huge periods and then a spectacular joke would have me doubled up. The Databank was always a winner. Always. Ways.

Yeah, the BBC had that shot of Bush when Obama mentioned ignoring the constitutional rights of people, although I don't know if they were taking someone else's feed.

It's over. Go get your haircut.

Is that Uri Geller?
I hope he doesn't bend that umbrella.