Jasper Goodballoon

Apparently I sleep-type under the name Milky Bar Kid cos I agree 100% on everything in that comment.

'15 Stories High' - Fucking ace. Funny, stylish, smart. get it.

I'm with The Good Doctor - thank you internet for alerting me to MST3K and NewsRadio.

I'll say it: yes. The history of British comedy probably has far more of an impact on your cultural life, day-to-day, than French New Wave cinema. Look up some Spike Milligan then come talk.

Rimage drops 'Porridge' into the thread and you start discussing 'Keeping Up Appearances'. 'Porridge' is the perfect comedy series. Funny (first and foremost), adult without being smutty, warm, intelligent, brave and full of top-drawer performances. 'Keeping Up Appearances' doesn't deserve to share a comment box.

I'll second any and all 'Pulling' love.

Why not trust a crew person's opinion on a director? They tend to be fucking bang-on in my experience. Course, being different people we have had different experiences, so there is a chance we may have different opinions.

I was a party one night some fucking time ago and ended up speaking to a fella who had worked on 'Eyes Wide Shut' twice due to the length of production. He swore blind that Kubrick was confused as fuck throughout production and would spend whole days getting sets lit only to decide not to use them. He was constantly

Rainn is nearly an anagram of Iran.

Yeah, 'Presto' was ace. Inventive, funny and beautifully made.

Didn't Collins also dump his wife by fax too, or so the rumour goes. That would indicate some level of twatness too.

I find it erotic. Hugely erotic. Touch me, Dan.

'The boy whose skin fell off' is a fine film. Absolutely guaranteed (and designed) to make you sob like a little girl, but a good programme none the less.

You didn't delete it? Oh God! He hacked into your car's computer!

I understand that offence might be taken but a lot of people get called a lot of things 'round here… not all of us get a nice handy delete button to take away the pain.

Did a reply disappear from here? I think it did. Someone made a kinda bitchy comment that seems to have been erased. Thin-skins at the AV Club?

Nice work, Kareebel.

Smokey bacon is St. Peter.

It's a joke, but one to be tidied away with dodgy teeth and our famous reserve. We have, in London anyway, an enormous amount of terrible restaurants, but there are tons of very good ones.

Daddies>HP Sauce (the Private Eye column)>HP Sauce (the condiment)>generic greasy spoon brown sauce.