Jasper Goodballoon

Hurrah and huzzah for Yorktown!

What do you think so far?

How come "U.S." gets dots and "UK" doesn't?

Helen Mirren is STILL number one on my celebrity hump list. She is un-fucking-stoppably sexy to this day.

@wino72 I thought comment two upped the ante on comment number one.

Danrimage with a review so precise you could… er… well, you could open… no… hold on…

'Little Britain' didn't really do much for me after the first British series. Didn't really go anywhere. 'Saxondale' is pretty funny, although no 'Alan Partridge'.

Yeah. Between this and finding an uneaten chicken nugget on the floor of my office, today has been a great day.

A rare staff double post - I saw it with my own eyes.

Winehouse was great looking when 'Frank' came out, then…

And yes, I meant "sage".

Jeremy Irons is a fine actor. He has a commanding sage presence and a beautiful, deep mellifluous voice that demands your attention and respect. Don't believe me? Well just take a look at him singing Clapton's 'Wonderful tonight' (which, by the way, is only the third best song written about Patty Boyd):

I used to work in a cinema too and the Pavlovian reaction to certain theme songs kicks in still, even though it's been years since I worked there. To this day there are certain boy bands that instinctively make me reach for a broom.

That Sandwich motherfucker got shops all over the place.

The pop-up version? Fair enough then.

My wish-list
I haven't had an opportunity to do this anywhere else and no one has done it here, as far as I can see, so here's my wish-list for winners (I don't expect this to happen but so the fuck what?):

Really? That confusing? That difficult to explain? Ker-ist! A writer-director serves up what is, without any shadow of a doubt, the finest film of at least the last ten years and you all get nit-picky over this shit? Okay, fine… Go enjoy 'Juno'.

"ridley's still got it in him….some of the fault with american gangster lies in the script too ya know. "

I'm sorry rah, but I don't speak Russian. I do, however, speak Balloonish; it's a full-body sign language of my own creation. The thing I'm doing with my left hand? That means "I love you." The thing with my right hand? That means "Pass me a tissue."

Ah, Russian…
…the language of love.