Jasper Goodballoon

Hang on… Do we not like Colbert anymore? What happened? Did he badmouth 'Battlestar Galactica' or something? I cannot keep track of the hip-list these days.

…like to say "Noooooooooooo!"

How much fun is it? Not as much as I had hoped.


Hot Fuzz just didn't feel like a film; for all of his "cinematic" touches, Edgar Wright served up an overlong French & Saunders sketch and that, my overseas chums, is not something you pay nine quid for.

Course. Lennon and, less obviously at the time, McCartney were always on the look-out for anything new, particularly in music and art. In 'Many years from now' Barry Miles, himself a co-owner of the Indica Gallery, covers McCartney's interest in the art scene pretty well.

It ain't the kids I'm blaming, it's the Paul Morleys and Stuart Maconies of the world that fuck me off; David Bowie and The Sex Pistols have been the "Saviours of Music" in the British media for some time now.

I watched 'In the valley of Elah' on Friday which was Burns Day. Unfortunately I waited until Saturday to mark the occasion by having haggis. Still, I know you are all jealous of my life now.

Please don't misunderstand me, I love George Harrison's Beatles-era songs and his stuff from 1970 onward. My point was that he had probably got a little more confident by 'The White Album' and he was able to insist on inclusion even if the song wasn't up to scratch; he'd stopped asking permission from the others. Now,

I love 'Revolution No.9' but you are correct that it wouldn't get onto a single album. It's strange but I never give credit to 'The White Album' in the same way as I would 'Revolver' or 'Rubber Soul'; it feels far less designed than their earlier albums, at least in terms of the UK versions, and more like a collection

I never had a problem with 'Piggies' but I can see why people might. I think it's inclusion owes a great deal more to giving George a song-per-side than his song-writing abilities. Lennon didn't need any more songs on the album and the band's quality control always stayed reasonably high when song-writing was all that

Hold on…
…that's a man's arse. Well now I feel awful.

I am so buying the Gentle Giant album.
Anything that advertises itself with analingus is okay with me.

I'm glad it isn't just me…
…who has noted the running down of Messrs Starr, Harrison et al over the last few years. Their seems to have been a trend, in Britain at least, of selling them and the whole of the sixties short in favour of other periods; usually the seventies. I suppose it has a great deal with the age of

Seeing double, mlar?

I think "whiskey" is the Irish spelling.

…you're a Scotchman. Does your sadness make you sound sophisticated?

I have nothing…
…to add beyond "Fuck!". So…

Isn't it up to the studios or producers to decide who is put in for what? I seem to remember there being a similar conversation about whether Travolta or Jackson was the lead in Pulp Fiction.

Simon writing about real-life
It's interesting how now that Simon is writing about the newspaper industry people are talking about how The Wire is based upon real people and real-life events, but it always has been. As he himself has said on some blogs, the programme has always been based upon his own experiences and