Jasper Goodballoon

…buy these bitches a metaphor.

Witch-hunt now
Who was this commenter that falsely warned of a train-wreck? I want names named! With God on our side we can thrash this bastard and hold him up to public laughter!

You miss calls…
…and people die. I didn't get the message from my doctor and now everyone in my family has cat-AIDS. Be careful out there.

Well, quite.


Well he doesn't seem to popular around here. With that in mind, and knowing how much I respect the opinion of everyone on these boards, I shall be buying all of his available material immediately.

So let me get this straight…
…the record that he broke was just for the club?Not a world record or anything like that? He could have done that at home.

I've never heard of him before but I disagree with this David Kloves.

As an Englishman…
…can I just say 'The saga of the bloody Benders':


If it's being handed out, I'll take it.

Thanks man. You're not too bad yourself…

I'm currently watching Exorcist: The beginning on Great Britain's ITV. If they are going to continue with this level of quality programming then Netflix and LG are gonna be in some serious trouble.

In order to garner some interest…
…for this story I read Ne-Yo's Wikipedia page. I got three lines in before the boredom gave me eye-AIDS! Thanks a bundle, Steve.

"Dude" is fine as long as you don't really mean it.

We British seem to be well-served…
…with words we are allowed to say, but there are some we must ban for our own sub-group. I vote that both 'ass' and 'pussy' be struck from the vocabulary of any Briton. 'Douche' has been covered here in the context of 'douchebag' but it also seems strange when typed on the east of

Did you just quote the Kaiser Chiefs? Why the hell would you do that? WHY? You may as well have quoted the ingredients of an Aunt Bessie's Yorkshire Pudding for all the meaning it conveys.

Merci beaucoup.

Fair enough.

This post summed up…
"You are free to say what you like but the following words do not please the AV Club."