Jasper Goodballoon

I'm with Danrimage; I felt a pang of jealousy seeing those young dudes and dudettes reacting to Strawberry Fields Forever and Penny Lane. Those two songs leaked into my psyche drip-by-drip as I grew up and, like many on this board, I never had the chance to sit and listen to them properly for the first time without

Have we decided who's right yet?
The religious or the non-religious? I'd have thought that around 400 comments in we'd have some sort of answer.

Great interview…
…and really nicely timed. It's bought out the best and worst of the comments sections too.

…I gotta be here for New Year.

I think we can lose the 'a' in that sentence.

It was meant to be a surprise but I've had everything filled with pork fat; a magnifying glass is no longer a necessary.

Merci Tyra. I will inspect them for you this evening.

This reminds me…
…of the time I helped with the pilot of Tyra Banks show. They dropped me for someone who was a "real expert on flower stems, petals and vajajays".

I'm watching Die Hard on ITV2…
…for the second time in two days. I think it's the only Christmas film they have. That Argyll, he's such a poon-hound.

Celebrated capitalist buys celebrated capitalist rag
Seems fitting.

Maybe I didn't write anything. Anyway, what I thought I'd written was that on different days the two bands you mentioned could probably end up on a best or worst name list. The same applies to quite a few from the article although not 'Does it offend you, yeah?'; that is just shit.

We now see who pulls the strings on the newswire. Step forward Danrimage: puppetmaster.

Dan, that moving picture tent ain't coming to London until…