
Fair enough. I think the whole ordeal is just gross.

Every year these lists remind me of how out of touch I am with modern popular music. I haven't heard a one of these and haven't even heard of most of them. I'm sure I'd like some of them. :-/

I'm not generally a fan of defining people by their worst (private) moments.

Pretty crappy to leak them, though.

I liked Game 6.

haha, I just got the wordplay in the title. I'm slow.

Okay. Yeah, I don't think I caught that. Young was so magnetic in that scene that it's really all I remember.

I actually really liked that one, but the rest of the music in the episode was pretty bad. This happens too frequently on this show, in my opinion.

Wait, what?

I don't think they will/should either. Given how religious Tawney is - and Jesus' statements about divorce - I think it would especially difficult for her. They're in a position to "redefine" and improve their marriage. I think that'd be a more interesting story to tell anyway.

The fight at the end was a lot better, I thought, for just that reason.

They aren't, though. It was bad grading, essentially automatic A's despite ample evidence that the season wasn't great.

The promos are terrible. I'd never watch the show based on the promos (and bad title). Good reviews convinced me to check it out. I think it's quite good, although I didn't care much for this episode.

So, it's Mad Men.

It just makes me think of Fight Club. You are not a beautiful or unique snowflake.

This is my first time watching either of these people (never even heard of Lahren). It was nice seeing a tactful conversation between people who disagree. I wish that happened more often.

It's still exploring the disruptive consequences of a life-changing affair, though. From that standpoint, I think it's still fairly in line with the original vision.

I think the first Amazing movie did. The second was such a mess, though.

Agreed. Normal people accidentally doing drugs has pretty much run it's course as far as I'm concerned. It's just lazy writing.