
Definitely Degausser.

Apparently Disney now owns to company that provides all the streaming for mlb.tv, which I've heard good things about. They're planning to use it for this new service and ESPN streaming.

They used to have it actually, but then it went to Hulu. Now, as Preterite notes, Criterion has their own service. When I first signed up for Netflix it had a ton of Criterion and Disney stuff streaming. I feel like it was better then compared to what they're offering now.

That's how I identified him!

I figured out what it meant, but I didn't think it always worked. Particularly at the end it seemed like Hardy's character was floating down out of gas - seen by those on the beach - and then a couple minutes later he appeared to be shooting down a bomber. It threw me off because we saw the reaction from the beach

I thought that was a little much. It stood out to me as a bit heavy-handed in an otherwise great scene.

I did too, but I didn't see much difference from a standard film. I'm wondering if the projection was screwed up or something.

I just saw it in 70mm (not IMAX, but one of the extra large screens). I was underwhelmed by the presentation. It honestly didn't seem any different than a typical movie shown on a big screen. I feel like I must have missed something. I might have to try it again in a real IMAX. It's still showing in one, although I

I remember being really excited about going to see Blank Check in the movie theater. Also, Man of the House.

They created Fringe, right? I figure I'd give them a pass for a while based on that. Or did they not do anything else with it after they came up with the idea or something?

I have a 3D Plasma and still like it. I think sports in 3D was one of the best uses of the technology, but ESPN 3D didn't have enough programming. I don't use the 3D aspect very often anymore, but there are still movies that I think work better with 3D - Life of Pi, Gravity, a lot of the Pixar movies.


I really don't understand why this movie is considered so good. It's been a long time since I saw it, but I remember it was really long with a weird villain who I think cried blood and Bond had to win a poker game for some reason. This was when poker was super popular and parkour was getting big, which I always

No one agrees with me, but I think 3 is the worst. I'll never understand its appeal. Every time I see people praising it I think about watching it again to see what I'm missing. I've done it a couple times and I still think y'all are crazy. haha

I remember being really disappointed with him. He seemed to be half-asleep during most of his scenes.

It was stupid, but I laughed at that too. I actually thought it looked fun/clever from the trailer, which was quite surprising. Sounds like the trailer people really earned their money.

Thanks! That's what I was thinking. I've seen IMAX movies before, but never one in 70mm.

Thanks! I'll check that out.

haha I don't know enough about van Hoytema's style to evaluate that, but I've never been impressed with Nolan's visual approach. He somehow manages to take interesting ideas and present them in a rather boring manner (with a few exceptions, of course).

Agree to disagree. :)