If they made a "Best Of" across Load and ReLoad I think it could beat the Black Album. Sadly, they didn't do that.
If they made a "Best Of" across Load and ReLoad I think it could beat the Black Album. Sadly, they didn't do that.
It happens. Even Veronica got them confused at times, referring to them as glasses and mustache (which are, of course, the same person).
Man, I paid way more than that for the barrel. I missed out on the initial offering and had to buy it second-hand. I'm a little disappointed that they're still selling it, as I thought it was a limited offering. Guess I wouldn't have wanted to wait two years to own it, though.
Sounds like you need to fire up Netflix. It's always a good time for Better Off Ted.
True. Still, getting to know people who are different than you tends to reduce that fear. Finding commonalities and minimizing some of the "other-ness" also tends to reduce bias. It's not perfect by any means, but I think it's good that the conversation took place.
That sounds like an interesting story. I'm less interested in the why, then how those conversations would seem to positively impact those individuals.
I wouldn't recommend the show based on this season. In fact, I think I'm out.
My best friend's sister's boyfriend's brother's girlfriend heard from this guy who knows this kid who's going with the girl who saw Ferris pass out at 31 Flavors last night. I guess it's pretty serious.
Unfortunately none of the tertiary characters are remotely interesting. Heck, Josh is barely interesting. Rebecca, Paula, and Greg are pretty much it.
I don't understand the hate for Tomorrowland. I thought Ghost Protocol was much better than The Incredibles and Ratatouille, which I thought was one of the the most uninteresting Pixar outputs. I guess I just have different tastes.
My only problem with what they said was that they presented themselves as the arbiters of what is and isn't Texan.
That's the absolute favorite in our house, as well. We also like, "I think I'd like to learn about the moon and all."
I have family who grew up by the US-Mexican border many years ago and I've been told it wasn't an uncommon term, not necessarily used derogatorily. "You grow up around here?" "Naw, I'm a wetback." *Shrug*
I was wondering what purpose making hair bows would have in fighting crime and then I remembered who Merida was. haha Good list, Kid of The Ghost of Eazy E.
I think it was all the way to the point of comedy.
Greg Cote.
It's hardly a surprise, though.
That makes sense, but only the superheros save the day, though, right? Do the regular folks ever do anything super that isn't being the bad guy? I don't recall that happening, but I haven't seen the movie many times.
According to IMDB, he did not co-direct Toy Story 2 or any of the Toy Story movies, for that matter.
I didn't think it was awful, but I still don't understand why people think it's over-the-moon amazing. In my opinion, it's just kind of okay.