Mr. Penis

How about hamsters dressed up like famous ponzi schemers, or savings and loan scammers?

My balls are African scented


F that. I want to hear Scarface cover Liza Minnelli.

I prefer singing it to the "Duck Tales" theme.

Useless posting
I am proud to make the seminal post on this book review that I have not read.

Ack! I must have blocked those out of my conscious memory…lifetime pass defense definitely warranted.

All of this talk of Bill Murray getting a lifetime pass begs the question: what has he done that is inconsistent with a general character of awesomeness, thus warranting the "lifetime pass" defense?

Fuck! Wrong thread.

Bonne marmotte.

Bonne marmotte.

Doesn't AsstoAstronaut have some offs to fuck?

McDonald's cultural appropriations
This reminds me of the uproar among the Chicano community upon McD's introduction of the breakfast burrito.



Shit, I might even pay to watch it.

From the Prof's comments it didn't seem like he had to "try to hard" around pictures of Jessica Simpson. Sounds like it would happen involuntarily…

Or is Simpson the hatchet-wielding-psychopath, shedding crocodile tears before she hacks Oprah into corned beef hash?

Yeah, admittedly that was kind of funny—a skill developed only after years and years of relentless masturbation. But I can't get past that host. He is all the evidence I need to prove the absence of a benevolent divinity.

While I do not anticipate greatness from the Marriage Ref…
…I am surprised not to see The Index address that recently advertised, looks to be-godawful show, where people try to do some task in under a minute. It's hosted by that fucking spiky haired, wristband-for-no-reason-wearing, fuckwit from the damn food show