Mr. Penis

The guy who played Malachi from 'Children of the Corn'. That is my suggestion.

It's an interesting competition considering that they both have experience in the bottoms of bottles.

Strange, I heard she was loose as all outdoors.

Dude, Bruce Wayne is rich as fuck. Why wouldn't he have buy all of that shit?

"where in the f*ck did you get that banana at?"

I believe Crumbles was actually suggesting that you were the internet Mussolini.

Holy shit. Nice to see they've got some of the local youths in there, too. It's quite comforting to know that this shit will be passed on to the next generation.

Actually, Heche, he's the black Tony Blair:

Goddamn, BIeber needs to drop his swagger coach and get a fucking voice coach.

And holy fuck, I did not realize that was from '93. Prescient motherfucker, was he not?

@Fireball: Yeah, I was being a dick right back. It's just my nature…

By "student of the language", I meant that he studied it, in depth, which any good teacher of any subject should continue to do.

Nah dude, she was on for like a year as Ian Ziering's girlfriend or some shit. I didn't watch it or anything…I just know…

@bondfool: Snap, once again!

It very well could be the scripts/directing in those shite movies that causes the problem, but I have always found it hard to believe her acting—as if she's incapable of actually expressing sincerity on-screen. But again, this may be the result of my general displeasure with watching shit like "The Devil Wear's

I've been certain for a while now that the word "irony" is not being used correctly in these types of contexts. I think what would be truly ironic is if anyone who posts on this board watched a movie expecting it to be "so bad it's good:, and then ended up genuinely liking it, or crying at the sappy ending, or some

So let me get this straight—you DO NOT find jock straps sexy? Hmm…

Are they abnormally large for her frame as well?

Unfortunately not distracting enough for me not to notice her half-ass acting skillz.

Oh snap!