Mr. Penis

Hmm, I'm gonna go ahead and express a dissenting opinion. Her fish-like appearance along with her so-so acting keep me from wanting to go a-bending with the young lass. This very well may make me a homosexual, and I am prepared to accept that.

Add Hilary Swank to that list. I've been lovingly referring to her as "horse-face" since she was on 90210. Shit.


The Reichsfuhrer of Rusty Trombones.
The Baron von Ballzdeep
Herr Hepatitis

Boogie 'til You Puke?

Now how in the fuck, exactly, does one pneumonia in one's hair? Jesus.

Shit yeah! And if Clapton gets Lohan singing on the remake, they may just be able to raise Duane Allman from the dead to play the solo again.

Pants + ? = Profit

Bitch, pleeze!
This is some bush league hoarding. Lohan doesn't have shit on Imelda Marcos.

I'd like to experience, firsthand, Lindsay Lohan feeling something harder. Although preferably before she became a crack whore.

Yeah, if we could get the Bud Bowl and Spuds McKenzie back, I'd be proud of America once again. Barring that, I'm disappointed bleeding into ashamed.

Teo, I'll be goddamned if I don't love that particular brand of disorientation, though. Plus, you can sleep for a good 12-14 hours before work the next day.

"Kitty Spectacular". Fuck's sake.

Damn, Catwoman! I feel like "Kitty Spectcular" would be a pretty top notch pornstar name. I just may have to consider a career change…

"Uncles: The 'I think I'm St. Jerome' Killers"

Agreed, Jagoff. And ideally, said strap-on would be attached to someone in the act of skull fucking the strap-on's namesake.

A footlet is a garment for ladies who have an extra foot growing from their nether businesses. It's not an uncommon mutation among certain aboriginal populations in Irkutsk.

Holy shit, Elrond! For a dour elf and a Xenu-Believing-in freak, you are one funny motherfucker!


"…I am against homosexuality. Although I am not against homophobia…"