Never Gonna Register

has the world always been full of Simmons and Trumps or did that particular generation breed quite a bit more?

Also good recommendations. Really, the only ones I wouldn't start with are 1) the Pig one, 2) San Junipero 3) The Waldo Moment

Not enough effort I say

Those are odd episodes. San Junipero doesn't actually feel like Black Mirror. I'm not really sure why people praise it so much. The "pig" episode is my (and usually most peoples) least favorite.

Gringo Starr

white-as-fuck indie music, at the very least should be somewhat earnest and unpretentious. This is preening and showy. What would Dawes do?

Am I allowed to dislike them here? I don't want to be seen as some sort of maga homophobe. I just find their music off-putting and the worst habits of indie.

Lady, no offense, but what you don't know could fill a warehouse.

I liked Professor Green's book "There's No Wrong Way to Make a Family".

Remember when they also used to perform as a circus


If I picked off my pepperonis or even mushrooms, people would take them.

do you want the pineapples I picked off?

No, I'd like to see her go into a 70s singer-songwriter/ NPR tiny-desk/ coffee shop phase.

Its interesting because I'm pretty sure his original American crowd was very much from Opie and Anthony, and it was pretty much talk about chicks and offend everyone. Though he was just as "crude" as the rest, he had a certain cleverness and genial cordiality.

I mean this guy was a real JERK

I mean he is the type of handsome gay guy that sneaks up on you

These are standard stable fees, Mr. Simpson. Plus I'm teaching your daughter riding, grooming, and, at no extra charge, pronunciation.

I recall it stating that "it wasn't a battery" but that he didn't fully understand what it was. Its a kind of Macguffin which is fine, but it always bothered me as a kid.

I don't want to sound like some originalist Eichner fan, but his show and antics were/are much much better and funnier when its just him and regular New Yorkers/tourists. Season 1 and 2 are very hilarious.