Never Gonna Register

Well he was very proactive.

They just want to "relax and watch some silly fun" after a hard weeks work! And they totally know people JUST like the main characters!

Send in the clowns, those soulful and doleful, schmaltz by the bowlful….clowns. Send in the cl….

I would have preferred a Chris Fitzpatrick movie! He plays good ass music: Subverted Consciousness, Temporary Flawed, One Last Breath, all those bands. Plus,he know some of those guys in the band, so he can probably get them to play our school.

Chairman Moe's Magic Wok!

I was also in history class! The whole school was abuzz

That guys sounds like a real jerk!

Yes every other comment saying "well I'm not a huge fan of his music, but…." just reeks of insecurity and weird defensiveness.

another whopper for the copper!

whats that extra B for?

seriously though, backpacking through Europe is overrated for an adventure (i realize how terrible that sounds). Africa, South America, SE Asia…the more janky the country the more friendly and fun the hostels, and the more camaraderie other travelers have with each other. And ease of absorbing the local culture.

They let you keep the little piece of brain they pull out!

when I saw his picture, i actually thought of this other Onion article

the only vocal male Doctor Who fans ive seen are all these skinny theatery twerps, hardly truck nuts masculinity

Yeah thats a good point factoring players. with too many, people just forget about cards written. I think ideal number is 6

Rhyming Homer with Homer?

This is why the "agriculture" card is my favorite

Why has it gotten backlash? Is it because some feel it enables a certain population by taking its offensive humor in a terrible literal way? Or is it some anti-popular games sentiment?

The diminishing returns part is astoundingly true. Awkward initial laughs, building to a huge array of hilarity, followed by a lull cause everyone got "a bunch of throwaway cards", then another set of good times. Slowly but surely begins to die down, at about the hour/hour and a half mark.

neither he nor Tre Cool even know what incontinent means!