Never Gonna Register

It took well into adulthood to realize what the title was referring to. Kids in those days needed a window into a hot neighbors bedroom.

History will judge this era harshly for its terrible reboots and dog filters.

Note: Chris Pine died on his way back to his home planet

Damn TV, you've ruined my imagination, just like you've ruined my ability to… uh.

Were we all under some bizzare spell in the 90s that made us think Michael Jordan was charismatic?

At first, I didn't like him because I felt he threatened my childhood memories of Michael Jordan. Than I realized for all his power and wealthy, LeBron is pretty standup dude. He's a Peace Prize winner, specially compared MJ and Tiger for

This is a tragedy, but really why isn't anyone talking about (insert old white guy topic)?

disrupt is already a tainted verb. I just associate with that financial clickbait of those two serious looking Asian startup girls condescendingly staring at you. (edit: I just know my parents are comparing me to them)

iirc, it relied on too many of the kid actors mugging for the camera.

Grandpa has his problems, but compared to Mr. Burns he's Judge freaking Reinhold!

I will stand for 2002's "Hands Clean" as a great song, and incredibly disturbing once I realized the full meaning of the narrative.

I think the Vatican II allowing mass in English probably made it more accessible to the culture. I never quite realized that Catholicism was seen generally less "American" before that time period.

yes for all those non-gay, but black nerd trailblazers

I didn't realize he was Walkers sidekick!

I saw him as more of an "its a living" professional who happened to be working for criminals.

Urkelbot was solidly in the non-gimmick zone!

Did Adams College football team have any black players?

Oh I know, the black techy terrorist guy in Die Hard!

This would be a great AVClub inventory.

No, he wasn't he was the leader, or their Moe.